On Sun, 4 Nov 2007, Kern Sibbald wrote:

> Hello,
> Although I am working on a rather large project that I would like to explain a
> bit later when I have made some real progress (probably after the first of
> the year), I am thinking about doing a little mini-project to add a feature
> that has always bothered me, and that is the fact that Bacula can at times
> when there are failures or bottlenecks have a lot of Duplicate jobs running.
> So, I'm thinking about adding the following two directives, which may not
> provide all the functionality we will ever need, but would go a long way:
> These apply only to backup jobs.
> 1.  Allow Duplicate Jobs  = Yes | No | Higher   (Yes)

This can currently (partly) be achieved by defining "max concurrent jobs = 
1" in the Job specification.

> 2. Duplicate Job Interval = <time-interval>   (0)

My biggest problem with jobs has come up a few times and revolves 
around rerun failed levels.

If a full/differential backup takes longer than 24 hours to run, the next 
incremental first decides that the previous job has failed, so upgrades 
itself to full, THEN realises that only 1 concurrent job is allowed, so 
queues itself.

This order is wrong. Such checks should only be made at the time the job 
actually starts running, not at the time it's queued.

> The defaults are in parenthesis and would produce the same behavior as today.
> If Allow Duplicate Jobs is set to No, then any job starting while a job of the
> same name is running will be canceled.
> If Allow Duplicate Jobs is set to Higher, then any job starting with the same
> or lower level will be canceled, but any job with a Higher level will start.
> The Levels are from High to Low:  Full, Differential, Incremental

This would solve the problem I (and others) are seeing.

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