Mateus Interciso wrote:
> But on the bacula-dir.conf file, I do have setted up the bacula password 
> on the Catalog configuration, so why is he not even trying to use it?
> The other backups run absolutly normal.
You are running make_catalog_backup with the wrong arguments. This is 
configured via the RunBeforeJob line, not the catalog resource.

 From 'make_catalog_backup' (which is a shell script).

#  $1 is the name of the database to be backed up and the name
#     of the output file (default = bacula).
#  $2 is the user name with which to access the database
#     (default = bacula).
#  $3 is the password with which to access the database or "" if no password
#     (default "")

So you need a third argument which is the db password. Modify the

RunBeforeJob = "make_catalog_backup bacula bacula" to read

to read

RunBeforeJob = "make_catalog_backup bacula bacula <dbpassword>"

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