Thanks in advance to anyone who may be able to help out on this problem,
and sorry if this has already been covered. I've searched the internet
and this archive looking for an answer but have not found one yet.
I currently have version 2.2.0 running on FreeBSD 6.2 backing up to a
NAS connected through NFS. For about the last month I have been having
problems getting media to be recycled. All my media is set to be
recycled after 13 days but when it comes time to be reused I get a
"Truncate error on device" error. Interesting thing is that I can
manually purge the media and it works fine. I've check file permissions
but obviously Bacula has full access to the folder and files used during
a backup. I've tried deleting and recreating media and have also gone
as far as creating a new pool and media and using it with my backup
Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
Abel Briano
Network Administrator
Midwest Financial Networks
14-Oct 23:10 filesvr-dir: BeforeJob: run command
"/usr/local/share/bacula/make_catalog_backup bacula bacula"
14-Oct 23:10 filesvr-dir: Start Backup JobId 349,
14-Oct 23:10 filesvr-dir: Using Device "FileStorage"
14-Oct 23:10 filesvr-sd: Volume "Nightly16" previously written, moving
to end of data.
14-Oct 23:10 filesvr-sd: Ready to append to end of Volume "Nightly16"
size=9994394141 14-Oct 23:10 filesvr-sd: User defined maximum volume
capacity 10,000,000,000 exceeded on device "FileStorage"
14-Oct 23:10 filesvr-sd: End of medium on Volume "Nightly16"
Bytes=9,999,942,173 Blocks=155,010 at 14-Oct-2007 23:10.
14-Oct 23:10 filesvr-dir: There are no more Jobs associated with Volume
"Nightly12". Marking it purged.
14-Oct 23:10 filesvr-dir: All records pruned from Volume "Nightly12";
marking it "Purged"
14-Oct 23:10 filesvr-dir: Recycled volume "Nightly12"
14-Oct 23:10 filesvr-sd: BackupCatalog.2007-10-14_23.10.00 Fatal error:
label.c:456 Truncate error on device "FileStorage"
(/backups/mfnfilesvr): ERR=dev.c:1918 Unable to truncate device
"FileStorage" (/backups/mfnfilesvr). ERR=Operation timed out
14-Oct 23:10 filesvr-sd: Marking Volume "Nightly12" in Error in Catalog.
14-Oct 23:10 filesvr-sd: BackupCatalog.2007-10-14_23.10.00 Fatal error:
Job 349 canceled.
14-Oct 23:10 filesvr-sd: Job write elapsed time = 00:00:22, Transfer
rate = 253.2 K bytes/second 14-Oct 23:10 filesvr-fd:
BackupCatalog.2007-10-14_23.10.00 Fatal error: backup.c:500 Network send
error to SD. ERR=Broken pipe 14-Oct 23:10 filesvr-fd:
BackupCatalog.2007-10-14_23.10.00 Error: bnet.c:426 Write error sending
65536 bytes to Storage daemon:filesvr:9103: ERR=Broken pipe 14-Oct 23:10
filesvr-dir: BackupCatalog.2007-10-14_23.10.00 Error: Bacula filesvr-dir
2.2.0 (08Aug07): 14-Oct-2007 23:10:43
Build OS: amd64-portbld-freebsd6.2 freebsd 6.2-RELEASE
JobId: 349
Job: BackupCatalog.2007-10-14_23.10.00
Backup Level: Full
Client: "filesvr-fd"
FileSet: "Catalog" 2007-04-30 23:10:02
Pool: "Nightly" (From Job resource)
Storage: "File" (From Job resource)
Scheduled time: 14-Oct-2007 23:10:00
Start time: 14-Oct-2007 23:10:06
End time: 14-Oct-2007 23:10:43
Elapsed time: 37 secs
Priority: 11
FD Files Written: 1
SD Files Written: 1
FD Bytes Written: 5,832,704 (5.832 MB)
SD Bytes Written: 5,570,658 (5.570 MB)
Rate: 157.6 KB/s
Software Compression: 1.1 %
VSS: no
Encryption: no
Volume name(s): Nightly16|Nightly12
Volume Session Id: 69
Volume Session Time: 1189518565
Last Volume Bytes: 64,743 (64.74 KB)
Non-fatal FD errors: 1
SD Errors: 0
FD termination status: Error
SD termination status: Error
Termination: *** Backup Error ***
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