Thanks for all of the help.

I attempted to perform an online update of SuSE to fix the dependency
issue. Apparently the YOU (YaST Online Update) never expected someone to
try to update version 9.3 when 10.3 is out... something with the upgrade
of glibc got seriously messed up, and I've ended up with a bricked
machine... and no physical access for at least a week. I guess I'll be
doing that OS upgrade anyway!  Maybe I'll even go to Solaris...

Anyway, I've secured 25Gb of space on another machine (the director)
which should suffice to continue backups this week. I was looking into
installing a web GUI, and figured I'd give bacula-web a shot. Apparently
it's supposed to be included in the install directory, but I installed
from RPM... and it's nowhere to be found.

So... 2 questions
1) Does anyone know where I could find a package of the bacula-web

2) I noted the line in the manual "Bacula must also be installed and
working, but does not need to be running to use Bacula-web.". Does
"Bacula" here mean the director? More generally, can I run bacula-web on
a web server that only has the file daemon running, but can access MySQL
on the director?


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