When I unmount a volume using the bconsole unmount command, bacula 
blocks access to the tape drive until I mount another volume.  Is there 
a way to config it so the drive isn't blocked when a tape is unmounted 
from within bconsole?  If I unmount the tape drive I'd like it to be 
able to grab and mount the proper tape automatically when the next job 
starts, unless I deliberately want to block it from executing jobs. 
Items that sound sort of helpful in the manual are some combination of 
AutomaticMount, AlwaysOpen, Close On Poll, Volume Poll Interval, and 
Offline On Unmount.

However, I'd like it to be able to get the load status of a the drive 
and if a tape is loaded it shouldn't need to rewind/fast forward on each 
job after a pause.  Anybody worked kind of configuration out already?

Otherwise autochanger and backup stuff seems to be working well.

Here's what's in my  bacula-sd.conf
Autochanger {
   Name = Dell-PV136T
   Device = IBMLTO2-1
   Changer Command = "/etc/bacula/mtx-changer %c %o %S %a %d"
   Changer Device = /dev/sg2
Device {
   Name = IBMLTO2-1
   Drive Index = 0
   Media Type = LTO-2
   Archive Device = /dev/nst0
   AutomaticMount = yes
   AlwaysOpen = yes
   Offline On Unmount = yes
   RemovableMedia = yes
   RandomAccess = no
   AutoChanger = yes
   SpoolDirectory = /home/baculaspool
   Maximum Spool Size = 200gb
   Alert Command = "sh -c 'smartctl -H -l error %c'"

And here's what's in my bacula-dir.conf relative to the changer

Storage {
    Name = Dell-PV136T
    Autochanger = yes
    Address = gyrus
    SDPort = 9103
    Device = Dell-PV136T
    Media Type = LTO-2
    Password = ""

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