Elie Azar wrote:
> Hi Josh,
> Thanks for the reply...
> Josh Fisher wrote:
>> There is a script called disk-changer that is packaged with Bacula 
>> that does much the same thing and is what vchanger was based on. The 
>> disk-changer script uses a file in the base directory of each 
>> autochanger to simulate barcodes for its volumes. So it is designed 
>> to use a single disk for each configured autochanger. Another way to 
>> view it would be that it emulates a tape autoloader that will only 
>> ever use a single magazine. So disk-changer fits well with fixed drives.
>> The vchanger script modifies that approach to generate the barcode 
>> labels on the fly based on the number of slots defined and the 
>> "magazine label". The magazine label is a number stored in a file in 
>> the root directory of the USB drive. So each USB drive belonging to a 
>> particular autochanger has the same filesystem label, but a different 
>> magazine label. It emulates a tape autoloader that will be used with 
>> multiple magazines. So vchanger fits well with removable drives.
>> Why use either one of these scripts? Basically, because the storage 
>> device must be specified in either the Pool or the Job. That leaves 
>> two possible solutions; use a virtual autochanger or use LVM. LVM 
>> would take care of the space problem, but it would be impossible to 
>> remove a drive with intact backups on it.
> As was pointed out, these approaches work well with a single drive per 
> changer. I've been looking at vchanger, and I was hoping to be able to 
> use it, but it supports one drive per changer; no simultaneous drives 
> present. The mountpoint directive in the vchanger conf file restricts 
> it to a single drive.
Right. It simplifies the script quite a bit. :)

> In my case, I would like to implement bacula so that it backs up on 
> any of a set of hard drives, all present in the system, either all 
> mounted or using autofs to mount. In my case, I would like to define 
> four changers, based on retention values and other criteria, each with 
> a number of hard drives. Then, I want to define my jobs to go to one 
> of these changers. At that point, the backup will happen on any of the 
> drives within that changer, without worrying about whether there is 
> enough space on a specific drive. And if a drive is full, it is 
> replaced with a new one. Here, I'm not sure about spanning a single 
> job across more than one drive; i.e. if bacula picks up a volume and 
> starts backing up and it runs out of room on the disk, would it span 
> across to another disk to finish the job; I'm not sure about these issues.

The bacula autochanger interface is pretty straight forward and is 
documented at 
There are only 5 commands issued by bacula to the autochanger script.

Bacula uses the 'list' command to determine what volumes are in the 
autochanger and in which slots. It issues a 'loaded' command for each of 
the autochanger's drives to determine which slots (if any) are already 
loaded and ready to use. Based on this info, bacula selects a volume to 
use for the job and, if needed, issues 'unload' and 'load' commands to 
load the volume it needs from the selected slot. Once the volume is 
loaded, bacula begins using it.

Spanning to another drive is not a Bacula issue, per se. If a write 
error occurs due to the disk being full, then bacula will mark the 
volume full and begin looking for another available volume to continue 
to write the job to. This means it would again query the autochanger 
script for available volumes and attempt to load one.

So the script would have to deal with maintaining "slots" on multiple 
physical drives. Then it should work out automatically. Bacula will only 
know it is spanning the job across volumes....it doesn't care which 
drive those volumes are on.

However, there is a problem. Let's say we have 5 slots on each of 2 
physical drives. Drive-0 has slots 1 through 5 with slot-1 being a large 
volume with status=Used and slot-2 through slot-5 being unused with 
status=append. Drive-1 has slots 6 through 10, all unused with 
status=Append. We start a big job and Bacula selects slot-2 on drive-0. 
Bacula writes to that volume until drive-0 becomes full, so it marks the 
slot-2 volume status=Used. Now drive-0 has no remaining free space and 
has slot-1 with status=Used, slot-2 with status=Full, and slot-3 through 
slot-5 with status=Append. Bacula thinks there are 3 more appendable 
volumes on drive-0. It might still work, though, because if Bacula loads 
one of the appendable volumes on drive-0, it will immediately get a 
write error when it attempts to write to it and again (I think) mark the 
volume status=Full and look for another appendable one.

I have no idea how many times Bacula will repeat that process before 
giving up and failing the job. But if it doesn't give up, then it will 
eventually get all of the volumes in slots 1 through 5 marked 
status=Full and then finally choose slot-6, which is of course on 
drive-1 with plenty of free space.

> So basically, the mountpoint needs to somehow be dynamically bound to 
> a certain hard drives belonging to that autochanger; bacula can then 
> use any of the volumes from that drive.

No, the /var/lib/bacula/some-autochanger-name/drive0 symlink needs to 
point to the correct file (ie. slot) regardless on where the drive is 
mounted. The drives need to be mounted (or in the case of autofs, 
mountable) at different (but known) mountpoints  Bacula can then use any 
of the volumes from ANY of the drives.

> I have introduced a couple of directives in the vchanger conf file for 
> testing purposes; one is "basedir" which defines the base directory 
> where all drives eventually will mount, and the second is "disklabels" 
> defining all the hard drives (their labels) belonging to this 
> autochanger.
> Then in the vchanger script itself, I made some changes, with a for 
> loop around the case statement, to take a single drive label from 
> "disklabels", and use it to build the actual mountpoint needed for 
> this instance. I tested it with the list command in vchanger and it 
> worked.

The 'basedir' and 'disklabels' should work. However, maybe I 
misunderstood, but if you are saying that the list command only lists 
the volumes on one drive at a time, then that is defeating the purpose. 
The 'list' command must advertise to Bacula ALL of the slots on ALL 
drives. Same for the 'slots' command. Vchanger currently sees one disk 
as one magazine. The idea, here, is for it to see multiple disks as one 
magazine. So all slots in the "magazine" must be listed by the 'list' 

> The problem is, I don't know enough about bacula to figure out how it 
> interfaces with vchanger, and what the rest of the code changes may be.

Hope this helps.

> Thanks again for all your help,
> Elie

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