> I'm curious as to what the general consensus among the Bacula user
> community is, regarding this subject. I saw a post from Arno from last
> year saying that he recycles catalog backups quickly by placing them
> in the same pool as incremental backups, but I thought that perhaps
> this question could use to be discussed a bit more explicitly.
I will tell you what I do. First I would like to describe my hardware
a little. My database, my director and my primary storage are on 3
different 64 bit gentoo  linux machines. I backup most of my data to
LTO2 tapes (Exabyte Magnum224) on the main storage machine. Each night
after the othe backups are completed I backup the backup catalog. For
this I use disk volumes on the director machine. These disk volumes
have a max vol size of 2GB and there is plenty of space on the
director (200GB raid 5 partition for bacula disk volumes). On this
array there are currently 8 volumes in the BackupCatalogs Pool and I
have the volume retention set to 15 days for the pool. My postgresql
database size it is around 12GB as I have > 4 million files but after
compression the dumps are less than 2GB so I should have between 8 and
12 copies of the catalog stored this way.


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