So, now I formatted the hard disk of a windows client, to look
if the restore procedure works well and hey it works, but all
the umlauts in the filenames have not been restored correctly,
I think the bacula-fd.exe in the windows installation missed it
to convert from utf8 to cp12xx, because there an umlaut should
be are now two special charakters.

The configuration was :

bacula-sd, bacula-dir 2.2.4 on a linux machine, and
bacula-fd 1.36 from the available BartPE Plugin. (An 
more actual plugin I could not find.)

What do I have to do to restore files with umlauts in the
filename correctly?



PS.: This was especially annoying because the startmenu is
Startmenü in german and so the folder Startmen%& (or so)
was not recognised  ....

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