
11.09.2007 13:36,, Christoph Litauer wrote::
> Dear admins,
> I accidently removed all files in /etc/bacula on my bacula server ("rm
> wx-console.conf *" should have been "rm wx-console.conf*").
> As the daemons were still running I recreated a minimal bconsole.conf,
> connected to the director and tried to restore /etc/bacula. I got the
> following error:
> 11-Sep 11:08 bacula-sd: RestoreFiles.2007-09-11_11.08.24 Error:
> block.c:275 Volume data error at 1:2363602536! Wanted ID: "BB02", got
> "hein". Buffer discarded.
> As I found in http://www.bacula.org/dev-manual/Restore_Command.html this
> maybe caused by incorrect block size settings for my devices. I wonder
> wether this can be, because I use File devices ...
> ... but nevertheless I would try the configuration changes ... if I
> could: I also deleted bacula-sd.conf and don't really remember all the
> settings.
> Any other idea? I don't want to restart the daemons trying one
> configuration after another because now they are still running with my
> working configuration. Perhaps there is a way bacula-dir writes out the
> running configuration?

You can get some of the configuration using the show commands, mainly 
'show storage' in your case.

Passwords, concurrency, etc. will not be a real problem, I suspect. 
The most important things - the device settings themselves - can not 
be reported, I believe. For file storage, they are not that important, 

Regarding the volume data errors, I don't have any idea except to try 
bls and bextract - these errors happen quite often, and I suspect they 
are not easily recovered. I have no idea why they happen, though.


Arno Lehmann
IT-Service Lehmann

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