Sorry Arno, Communigate blows. On Thu, Sep 13, 2007 at 09:44:25PM +0200, Arno Lehmann wrote: > Hello, > Thank you for taking the time to reply.
> 13.09.2007 20:59,, Mike Mestnik wrote:: > > Am i crazy or should "mount jobid=16" cause that job to > > unmount the just mounted volume and complain that I need to label. > > Which version of Bacula? > *version mgmt8-dir Version: 1.38.5 (18 January 2006) Connecting to Storage daemon vault7-sd at vault7-sd Version: 2.0.3 (06 March 2007) i686-pc-linux-gnu redhat (Stentz) Daemon started 06-Sep-07 13:49, 3 Jobs run since started. Heap: bytes=213,859 max_bytes=280,772 bufs=87 max_bufs=98 > Can you produce some console output showing the state of the DIR and > SD before, while and after you do the mount? > Here we go... While is not possible, the mount only lasts so long. This is a loop for me, so before and after should match, but I'll print both. SORRY for the long post, there are more answers below the output. *status dir mgmt8-dir Version: 1.38.5 (18 January 2006) i386-portbld-freebsd6.1 freebsd 6.1-RELEASE Daemon started 06-Sep-07 14:00, 19 Jobs run since started. No Scheduled Jobs. ==== Running Jobs: Console connected at 13-Sep-07 10:21 JobId Level Name Status ====================================================================== 16 Full BackupCatalog.2007-09-13_10.10.30 is waiting for an appendable Volume ==== Terminated Jobs: JobId Level Files Bytes Status Finished Name ======================================================================== 10 Full 0 0 Cancel 13-Sep-07 10:04 mgmt8 12 Full 0 0 Cancel 13-Sep-07 10:04 mgmt8 14 Full 0 0 Cancel 13-Sep-07 10:04 mgmt8 3 Full 0 0 Cancel 13-Sep-07 10:04 BackupCatalog 5 Full 0 0 Cancel 13-Sep-07 10:04 BackupCatalog 7 Full 0 0 Cancel 13-Sep-07 10:04 BackupCatalog 9 Full 0 0 Cancel 13-Sep-07 10:04 BackupCatalog 11 Full 0 0 Cancel 13-Sep-07 10:04 BackupCatalog 13 Full 0 0 Cancel 13-Sep-07 10:04 BackupCatalog 15 Full 0 0 Cancel 13-Sep-07 10:04 BackupCatalog ==== *status sd The defined Storage resources are: 1: vault7-sd 2: VaultX-stor Select Storage resource (1-2): 1 Connecting to Storage daemon vault7-sd at vault7-sd Version: 2.0.3 (06 March 2007) i686-pc-linux-gnu redhat (Stentz) Daemon started 06-Sep-07 13:49, 3 Jobs run since started. Heap: bytes=213,859 max_bytes=280,772 bufs=87 max_bufs=98 Running Jobs: Writing: Full Backup job BackupCatalog JobId=16 Volume="" pool="Vault7" device=""vault7-FileStorage" (/var/backup)" spooling=0 despooling=0 despool_wait=0 Files=0 Bytes=0 Bytes/sec=0 FDReadSeqNo=6 in_msg=6 out_msg=4 fd=6 ==== Jobs waiting to reserve a drive: ==== Terminated Jobs: JobId Level Files Bytes Status Finished Name =================================================================== 62 Full 0 0 Cancel 06-Sep-07 13:54 BackupCatalog 1 Full 0 0 Error 11-Sep-07 21:03 BackupCatalog 2 Full 0 0 Cancel 13-Sep-07 10:04 mgmt8 ==== Device status: Device "vault7-FileStorage" (/var/backup) is not open. Device is BLOCKED waiting for media. ==== In Use Volume status: ==== *m 13-Sep 11:10 vault7-sd: Job BackupCatalog.2007-09-13_10.10.30 waiting. Cannot find any appendable volumes. Please use the "label" command to create a new Volume for: Storage: "vault7-FileStorage" (/var/backup) Media type: vault7-File Pool: Vault7 13-Sep 13:10 vault7-sd: Job BackupCatalog.2007-09-13_10.10.30 waiting. Cannot find any appendable volumes. Please use the "label" command to create a new Volume for: Storage: "vault7-FileStorage" (/var/backup) Media type: vault7-File Pool: Vault7 *mount The defined Storage resources are: 1: vault7-sd 2: VaultX-stor Select Storage resource (1-2): 1 3001 OK mount. Device="vault7-FileStorage" (/var/backup) *m 13-Sep 14:53 vault7-sd: Job BackupCatalog.2007-09-13_10.10.30 waiting. Cannot find any appendable volumes. Please use the "label" command to create a new Volume for: Storage: "vault7-FileStorage" (/var/backup) Media type: vault7-File Pool: Vault7 *umount The defined Storage resources are: 1: vault7-sd 2: VaultX-stor Select Storage resource (1-2): 1 3901 Device "vault7-FileStorage" (/var/backup) is already unmounted. *status dir mgmt8-dir Version: 1.38.5 (18 January 2006) i386-portbld-freebsd6.1 freebsd 6.1-RELEASE Daemon started 06-Sep-07 14:00, 19 Jobs run since started. No Scheduled Jobs. ==== Running Jobs: Console connected at 13-Sep-07 10:21 JobId Level Name Status ====================================================================== 16 Full BackupCatalog.2007-09-13_10.10.30 is waiting for an appendable Volume ==== Terminated Jobs: JobId Level Files Bytes Status Finished Name ======================================================================== 10 Full 0 0 Cancel 13-Sep-07 10:04 mgmt8 12 Full 0 0 Cancel 13-Sep-07 10:04 mgmt8 14 Full 0 0 Cancel 13-Sep-07 10:04 mgmt8 3 Full 0 0 Cancel 13-Sep-07 10:04 BackupCatalog 5 Full 0 0 Cancel 13-Sep-07 10:04 BackupCatalog 7 Full 0 0 Cancel 13-Sep-07 10:04 BackupCatalog 9 Full 0 0 Cancel 13-Sep-07 10:04 BackupCatalog 11 Full 0 0 Cancel 13-Sep-07 10:04 BackupCatalog 13 Full 0 0 Cancel 13-Sep-07 10:04 BackupCatalog 15 Full 0 0 Cancel 13-Sep-07 10:04 BackupCatalog ==== *status sd The defined Storage resources are: 1: vault7-sd 2: VaultX-stor Select Storage resource (1-2): 1 Connecting to Storage daemon vault7-sd at vault7-sd Version: 2.0.3 (06 March 2007) i686-pc-linux-gnu redhat (Stentz) Daemon started 06-Sep-07 13:49, 3 Jobs run since started. Heap: bytes=213,859 max_bytes=280,772 bufs=87 max_bufs=98 Running Jobs: Writing: Full Backup job BackupCatalog JobId=16 Volume="" pool="Vault7" device=""vault7-FileStorage" (/var/backup)" spooling=0 despooling=0 despool_wait=0 Files=0 Bytes=0 Bytes/sec=0 FDReadSeqNo=6 in_msg=6 out_msg=4 fd=6 ==== Jobs waiting to reserve a drive: ==== Terminated Jobs: JobId Level Files Bytes Status Finished Name =================================================================== 62 Full 0 0 Cancel 06-Sep-07 13:54 BackupCatalog 1 Full 0 0 Error 11-Sep-07 21:03 BackupCatalog 2 Full 0 0 Cancel 13-Sep-07 10:04 mgmt8 ==== Device status: Device "vault7-FileStorage" (/var/backup) is not open. Device is BLOCKED waiting for media. ==== In Use Volume status: ==== * > > Any method of mounting causes the jobid to sqwak about not > > having a volume, and the device is unmounted. > > So there's no volume available. > There have been many volumes, the current is test003. *llist volume Pool: Vault7 MediaId: 1 VolumeName: test003 Slot: 0 PoolId: 1 MediaType: vault7-File FirstWritten: 0 LastWritten: 0 LabelDate: 2007-09-13 10:25:39 VolJobs: 0 VolFiles: 0 VolBlocks: 0 VolMounts: 0 VolBytes: 1 VolErrors: 0 VolWrites: 0 VolCapacityBytes: 0 VolStatus: Append Recycle: 1 VolRetention: 31536000 VolUseDuration: 0 MaxVolJobs: 0 MaxVolFiles: 0 MaxVolBytes: 0 InChanger: 1 EndFile: 0 EndBlock: 0 VolParts: 0 LabelType: 0 StorageId: 1 Pool: VaultX No results to list. > > When I use the File backend how do I select what volume to mount? > > You don't, usually :-) > For testing? A feature request? > > The best I can do is cancel the job, delete the volume. ruining the > > job then asks for a label, the the label auto-mounts and the job says > > to use the label cmd(again!) and unmount reports the volume is > > unmounted already. > > Unfortunalty that's the loop I'm in. > > > > I'm using these instructions: > > > > but I'm altering the config for my setup. > > So what does your setup look like now? > This link worked for me: > > autolabel would be nice, if it weren't for this problem. I turned > > autolabel and every thing else off to get things working again. > > > > I was hoping to find some one who has seen this. > > > > The SD is running on Linux and the FD and DIR is on FreeBSD... are > > there any version mismatches I should look out for? > > The only "officially" supported combination is DIR, SD and FD of the > same version. That said, most often you can use older FDs (unless you > rely on new features), but the DIR and SD versions should match. > That may be difficult, due to vendor supplied patches. I'd prefer binary over source, save browsing CVS. Availability for different OSs may make this difficult or impossible, for instance MSwin32 is not something I'd ever learn to build but is something I need to consider supporting. > > Eventually only the DIR will be on FreeBSD. > > > > I'm also looking to do multiple directors, one for each class of > > customer, and they may need to share SDs I could not get multiple > > Directors to work in the same SD. > > > > I'll attach some config. I don't have access to the SD at this time, > > I'm using 'ssh -i "key"' inside inetd to run 'nc' on the sd server. > > If there is an interest I am posting this config here. > > I really don't understand what you say here... > The communications pass like so... Dir -localhost:bacula-sd> inetd(exec ssh -vault7:22> sshd(exec nc -localhost:bacula-sd> bacula-sd)) Both bacula processes are unaware that they are not connecting over a localhost:bacula-sd connection. nc(AKA netcat) is used To proxy the request to the bacula-sd as though it were the director, inetd accepts connections from the Director as though it were the sd. > > bacula-sd stream tcp nowait root /usr/bin/ssh -q -T -o > > BatchMode=yes -i /etc/ssh/vault7-sd_dsa_key [EMAIL PROTECTED] > > > > # note for BatchMode to work the server's key needs to be added to the > > # "system's" known_hosts file, you can also use DNS(but don't quote > > # me.) ""you will need BatchMode"" so you need to copy the key. > > > > vault7:~visi/.ssh/authorized_keys > > from=mgmt8,command="nc localhost bacula-sd",<othersecureoptions> <the > > dsa key> > > If I read this correctly, this won't work. The SD needs to run all the > time. The inetd-setup will probably invoke a new SD for each connection. > You can see this is not a problem and that this is my 3rd attempt... >From the sd: 3 Jobs run since started. > Arno > > > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------- > > This email is sponsored by: Microsoft > > Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005. > > > > > > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------ > > > > _______________________________________________ > > Bacula-users mailing list > > > > > > -- > Arno Lehmann > IT-Service Lehmann > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------- > This email is sponsored by: Microsoft > Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005. > > _______________________________________________ > Bacula-users mailing list > > > ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This email is sponsored by: Microsoft Defy all challenges. Microsoft(R) Visual Studio 2005. _______________________________________________ Bacula-users mailing list