On Wednesday 12 September 2007 18:10, Josh Fisher wrote:
> Kern Sibbald wrote:
> > On Wednesday 12 September 2007 05:06, Nick Pope wrote:
> >> On Sep 11, 2007, at 1:26 PM, David Boyes wrote:
> >>> Also, there is still a period of time where only one copy of the
> >>> backed-up data exists; all the easy solutions to this problem don't
> >>> address that requirement.
> >>
> >> This is the major drawback of the simpler solution (again, doesn't
> >> invalidate its usefulness in other scenarios)
> >
> > It may invalidate it for some, but it will be *extremely* useful for a
> > lot of people and will in fact give us an archiving capability.
> It certainly would be useful. This auditing problem, it seems to me,
> could be alleviated in a simpler manner. A volume-to-volume Verify job
> should satisfy auditors that copies are bitwise identical. I believe
> that would be MUCH simpler to implement than multiplexed SDs. Probably
> easier than a normal filesystem-to-volume Verify job.

I'm not convinced that volume to volume verify would be very easy to 

> If absolutely necessary to simultaneously write multiple copies, then
> why not just allow a single SD to write each record to multiple devices
> during the backup job? 

About 95% of the code already exists to do this.  However, I haven't yet 
worked out how to handle multiple copies in the catalog, which is what the 
simple copy will permit, then I can proceed with the write multiple copies.

> If those devices need to be in different 
> locations, then one or more devices could be NFS shares or iSCSI
> devices. Multiplexing SDs sounds like a complicated nightmare. But then,
> that's just an opinion.

Oh, it wouldn't even be very hard to have one SD send the data to a second SD.  
A mux SD may be really nice, but it may not be necessary -- more thought 
needed here.

> >>> If we could get away with that, we'd just
> >>> duplicate the tapes outside of Bacula and be done with it.
> >>
> >> If I do that, I can't track the copied volumes with the Bacula
> >> catalog.  One might foresee Bacula at some point enforcing a minimum
> >> number of duplicate copies, etc.
> >>
> >>> The related
> >>> problem is how Bacula handles multiple locations where the file can be
> >>> found, and how Bacula prioritizes restores. I have some interesting
> >>> ideas on that when/if Kern gets time to think about the design for
> >>> this
> >>> stuff.
> >>
> >> That certainly seems like the main challenge to the copy job.
> >
> > Yes, I don't really know how to handle this in the best way at the
> > moment, but implementing the simple change to Migration to do a Copy
> > certainly is the first step.
> A "MasterMediaId" field in the media record might work. If blank, then
> the volume is a master volume. Otherwise, it contains the media id of
> the master volume that this volume is a copy of. Nothing need be stored
> for the copy except its media record. When the copy is later used,
> catalog lookups would pull info using for the volume pointed to by the
> MasterMediaId field. If the master has been purged, then the copy is
> invalid. There would (in any case)  need to be some means to upgrade a
> copy to master, since the whole point of a copy is in case the master is
> destroyed or goes missing.

I need to think about this more to respond. For the moment, I'm planning just 
to mark a Copy job as a copy job, so when doing a restore, which looks for 
Backup jobs, all Copy jobs will be automatically ignored until we add new 
code that knows how to deal with them.

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