
When running btest I get errors. The  documentation says that OnStream 
drives work with bacula 1.33 and osst 0.9.14.

Here the bacula-sd.conf part:

> Device {
>   Name = "Onstream"
>   Description = "OnStream drive on Linux"
>   Media Type = ADR50
>   Archive Device = /dev/nosst0
>   AutomaticMount = yes;               # when device opened, read it
>   AlwaysOpen = yes
>   Offline On Unmount = no
> # The min/max blocksizes of 32768 are *required*
>   Minimum Block Size = 32768
>   Maximum Block Size = 32768
> #  Removeable Media = yes
> #  Two EOF = no
> #  BSF at EOM = no   
> #  Backward Space File = yes 
>   Fast Forward Space File = no
> }

I also set the blocksize for the tape:

mt -f /dev/nosst0 setblk 32768

I get the following test output:

> === Write, rewind, and position test ===
> I'm going to write 1000 records and an EOF
> then write 1000 records and an EOF, then rewind,
> and position to a few blocks and verify that it is correct.
> This is an *essential* feature ...
> btape: btape.c:907 Wrote 1000 blocks of 32668 bytes.
> btape: btape.c:469 Wrote 1 EOF to "Onstream" (/dev/nosst0)
> btape: btape.c:923 Wrote 1000 blocks of 32668 bytes.
> btape: btape.c:469 Wrote 1 EOF to "Onstream" (/dev/nosst0)
> btape: btape.c:932 Rewind OK.
> Reposition to file:block 0:4
> 23-Aug 22:41 btape: btape Error: block.c:263 Volume data error at 0:4! Wanted 
> ID: "BB02", got "". Buffer discarded.
> btape: btape.c:988 Read block 5 failed! file=0 blk=4. 
> ERR=Eingabe-/Ausgabefehler
> btape: btape.c:998 This may be because the tape drive block size is not
>  set to variable blocking as normally used by Bacula.
>  Please see the Tape Testing chapter in the manual and
>  look for using mt with defblksize and setoptions
> If your tape drive block size is correct, then perhaps
>  your SCSI driver is *really* stupid and does not
>  correctly report the file:block after a FSF. In this
>  case try setting:
>     Fast Forward Space File = no
>  in your Device resource.

I know that in this newsgroup where older postings about this tape drive.

Thanks in advance

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