On Fri, 7 Sep 2007, Doytchin Spiridonov wrote:

> just to mention again that while there were suggestions this is a
> hardware problem we did a lot of tests and proved the problem is not
> hadrware but there is a bug (which however was closed with "unable to
> reproduce" reason)
> As you are the next case, can you please test it again ("have deleted
> all the backups, reinitialized bacula from scratch, run full backups
> to different disk volumes, and tried a restore again") but w/o
> enabling concurrent jobs (I bet you are) and see if it will be OK or
> you will get the same problems?

Very interesting.

My entire set of backup volumes, currently about 4.2 TB, was rsync'd to a 
separate system (no errors) and a restore attempt made there from a fresh 
bacula installation (using the same catalog but otherwise different h/w 
and s/w). This restore attempt also failed in the identical fashion to 
that described previously. The backup volumes are evidently corrupted at 
backup time.

On the original director, I then set "Max Concurrent Jobs" to 1 everywhere 
and ran a full backup of a 300 GB file system containing 151,155 files. 
Same hardware, same software, everything the same except for MCJ=1. I then 
restored all of these files without any error, which I have been unable to 
do with MCJ=2.

The conclusion is that it looks like there may indeed be a bug.

In any event, I shall run with MCJ=1 for now, and re-run full backups of 
all of my data (about 2 TB on this system), and then restore the whole lot 
to see what I get. If I get time I will take a peek at the source.

Steve Thompson                 E-mail:      smt AT vgersoft DOT com
Voyager Software LLC           Web:         http://www DOT vgersoft DOT com
39 Smugglers Path              VSW Support: support AT vgersoft DOT com
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   "186,300 miles per second: it's not just a good idea, it's the law"

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