
06.09.2007 02:01,, Wes Hardaker wrote::
>>>>>> "AL" == Arno Lehmann <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> AL> That might be one option, but I guess the main problem is that Bacula 
> AL> simply doesn't handle things very well when the writing-to-disk phase 
> AL> has problems. You'd need something more integrated into the SD, or 
> AL> implement some way to signal "re-try this part to the next disk" to 
> AL> the SD.
> I have a hard time believing there is no way to say "whoops, I
> accidentally lost volume 5 in a fire....  Please continue as if it
> doesn't exist and all the files that were on it should no longer exist
> in the catalog".  That's really what I need at the moment (I know which
> volumes are bad).
> Trying to guess at how the schema works (danger!) it looks like you
> might be able to look at the jobmedia table and use it to remove stuff
> for a broken volume from the Files table so it would get backed up next
> time and suddenly be needed again.  But that's based on not reading any
> documentation on what the columns actually mean; but if someone says I'm
> on the right track I might go down that road :-)

You're on the track to part of project 1 I think... doing accurate 
restores of - for example - moved files requires these to be backed up 
in the first place, so for backups, Bacula can not only rely on the 
file modification timestamps, but also has to check if files actually 
are in a backup.

So, the common task is to make Bacula not simply back up depending on 
the file timestamps, but to previously check if that file is in an 
available backup. (This requires a major code change and additional 
FD-DIR-communication, so it can not be implemented easily.)

This would probably automatically ensure that files stored in 
unavailable backups are backed up again on the next run.

As of now, Bacula does not check for these condition, it only takes 
the date and time of the last succesful job for a given client/fileset 
combination and saves files with a timestamp after that moment.

Or, in short, your proposed solution will not work.

All IMO and without actually reading the code, by the way.


Arno Lehmann
IT-Service Lehmann

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