>>>>> On Mon, 3 Sep 2007 13:45:48 +0200, Kern Sibbald said:
> Hello,
> You would think that wild cards (fnmatch) are well known and that they work 
> the same on all systems.  Apparently not.
> On GNU clib systems,
>   fnmatch("a*b/*", "abbb/.x", FNM_PATHNAME|FNM_PERIOD) returns fail 
>     (i.e. FN_NOMATCH).
> and on my version of the BSD fnmatch.c it returns success.  I could have 
> messed up the code in porting it into Bacula, but I consider that *highly* 
> unlikely.
> In reading the GNU documentation on fnmatch, it is not clear which is 
> correct -- in fact, depending on nuances of precedences of the rules, which 
> is not documented, both interpretations seem to be correct.
> Does anyone have any opinions?  Am I missing something?
> I must admit: this is somewhat a tricky case. :-)
It looks like the BSD code is broken.

BTW, which documentation were you looking at?  To me, both the man pages on
GNU/Linux and FreeBSD are clear about FNM_PATHNAME making the period after
slash be a "leading" period, i.e. considered by FNM_PERIOD.


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