
30.08.2007 09:12,, Tom Sommer wrote::
> On Mon, August 27, 2007 13:05, Arno Lehmann wrote:
>>> My primary concern is after 7 days, I will still have more data stored
>>> than I actually need to recover files 7 days back.
>> This can be achieved. You've only got to make sure volumes are
>> actually purged after they run out of retention.
> And how do I set my schedule then? full backup once a week, incrementals
> the other 6 days? I assume Bacula won't purge a volume every 7 days if
> there is only one full backup a month?

Bacula purges volumes only when it looks for a usable volume. So, if 
you have a retention time of, say, 12 days for your full backup pool, 
and run the full backups weekly, Bacula can purge the full backup from 
two weeks ago when looking for volumes for this weeks backup.

> I won't be able to store two full
> backups of each client, so the old full backup would have to be purged
> right after the new one is taken.

First, it requires some setup for Bacula to actually purge older jobs 
once a job is run. Typically, you could use an Admin type job to 
trigger pruning, and schedule that after the full backup. More 
important in your situation is probably the fact that disk space is 
only freed when a volume is recycled and rewritten - the purging 
operation does only set up the metadata in the catalog to indicate a 
volume can be reused, but it does not actually truncate the files. 
You'd need some extra scripting for that.

Also not that I as well as many others think that having only one 
backup generation available is usually not a good thing. It might be 
better to spend your money on more disk space then spending your time 
on getting Bacula to truncate files containing important data.

>> For this to work, you need a reasonable estimate of the actual amount
>> of data that will need to be stored; after some cycles of prging / reusing,
>> you can fine-tune your settings.
> Interesting, and a critical piece of information.

But not exactly specific to Bacula :-)


> Thanks.
> --
> Tom Sommer
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Arno Lehmann
IT-Service Lehmann

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