On 8/30/07, Aitor <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ok perfect, I'm going to try it out !!!
> Ah, I haven't found in the user-manual any reference to limit the backup
> size for an user.
> My idea is to allow users to configurate their paths but without
> exeeding 4Gbytes of data.
I do not think that is possible.  The usual method for things like
this that are not implemented is to use a Run Before Job.  I have two
ideas on how this will work.
Method # 1:
A Client Run Before Job can be run on the Client machine and passed
the name of the text file on the client machine that the user creates.
Then it will traverse all the paths in this file and add up the sizes
of all of files and if this is > 4GB it will exit with a status that
is not 0 as 0 means successful.  This is difficult because you have to
follow all the rules of bacula possibly on an include and exclude file
and then add all this up possibly on windows and unix machines.

Method #2:
Use a Run Before Job on the server that launches the bconsole and gets
it to run estimate on the job and then parses the result. One example
of how get bconsole to run estimate  the size of the MythTV job  is
the following:

jmd1 bacula # echo "estimate job=MythTV" | bconsole
Connecting to Director jmd1:9101
1000 OK: jmd1-dir Version: 2.2.0 (08 August 2007)
Enter a period to cancel a command.
estimate job=MythTV
Using Catalog "MyCatalog"
Connecting to Client jmd1-fd at jmd1:9102
2000 OK estimate files=74 bytes=931,262,944
You have messages.

So then your run before script would take this output and find the
bytes= part and see if that is less than 4GB. I would say the second
method is not as difficult as the first...


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