John Drescher escribió:
> On 8/23/07, Angel Mieres <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi all,
>> Im testing bacula with two jobs. One of them, backup over 70.000 files
>> and have 2 Gb. Second one have over 100 files and have 1Gb.
>> Why the first job is getting speed of 3.000 KB/sec and the second one
>> 25.000 KB/sec?(the backup is to a file on both cases)
>> Have bacula less performance with small files?
> Is everything on one single server and on the same harddrive / raid array?
Yes is everything on one single server on the same raid.
> The first thought is that the biggest reason for the difference in
> backup rates is that in the case of the small files your
> harddrive/array is doing significantly more seeking than in the case
> with a few large files and depending on how they are on your media
> file readahead cache may be working against you.
Maybe, but I try with two different servers, with different hardware.
First one:
Xeon 3,2Ghz; 2 hdd on SCSI raid 1. 4Gb RAM. ( Open Ent. Server )
Second one:
Pentium 4 2,8Ghz; 1 SATA Disk, 2 Gb RAM. ( Open Ent Server too )

The performance on both cases is similar. So i don't think the problem 
is on the hardware.

> Have you timed the same backups using tar? It should be shorter than
> with bacula but does it have a similar ratio?

Yes, i do it, happens the same. :(
> John
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