>On Tue, 24 Jul 2007 00:48:28 +0200, you wrote:

>23.07.2007 23:36,, George R.Kasica wrote::
>>> On Mon, 23 Jul 2007 21:08:36 +0200, you wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> 23.07.2007 20:33,, George R.Kasica wrote::
>>>> Hello:
>>>> I'm sure this is a simple fix, but I'm missing something in the
>>>> details...
>>>> I have a working configuration here with the latest stable release of
>>>> bacula here using 3 tape drives to backup 4 systems. What I need some
>>>> help with is making it a bit more efficient.
>>>> Currently it works as follows all 4 jobs have a start time of 01:00:
>>>> Drive 1 backs up Server 1. Job is Priority 12 and max jobs equals 4
>>>> Drive 2 backs up Server 2. Job is Priority 12 and max jobs equals 4
>>>> Drive 3 backs up Server 3. Job is Priority 12 and max jobs equals 4
>>>> Drive 3 backs up Server 4. Job is Priority 13 and max jobs equals 4
>>>> This works well and gets the job done with one small hitch. The last
>>>> job for server 4 waits to start until all other jobs complete and the
>>>> one for Server 2 takes FAR longer to run than Server 1 or 3 does. 
>>>> What I want to have happen is for the 2nd job on Drive 3 to start as
>>>> soon as the first one is finished but not to have it run at the same
>>>> time which is what seems to happen if I set it as Priority 12.
>>>> What am I missing here? and what do I need to adjust and where to get
>>>> this to happen? I'm sure its a simple fix I just can't see it.
>>> Sounds like you need to set "Maximum Concurrent Jobs=2" for the 
>>> director. Of course, you can use more than two concurrent jobs if your 
>>> backup server can handle that... in this case, you'd have to set the 
>>> "Maximum Concurrent Jobs" to something more than 1 for the storage 
>>> devices, though.
>> Arno:
>> I've already got the following in the director conf:
>> Under Director Setting:
>>  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 4
>> And under each job def:
>>  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 4
>> And each Client def:
>>  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 4
>> And each Storage Device def:
>>  Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 4
>> Would I be correct in changing the Priority of the second job for
>> Drive #3 to also be 12 from the 13 its at now and then dropping the
>> maximum concurrent jobs to 1 but would I do that in the Job Def or the
>> Storage Def?
>Sorry for the confusion I probably created - the different priority is 
>definitely quite important here :-)
>"Maximum Concurrent Jobs" in the jobs is probably not what matters 
>here, as you run four distinct jobs, not the same job multiple times.
>> I'm thinking since I want the tape unit to only run one
>> job at a time and queue up the second until the first completes I want
>> to make the max concurrent =1 in the Storage def for that one drive
>> no??
>> Or would it be easier to keep it all as is, put the Priority at 12 and
>> start the job at say 1:01 and would that queue it up until the first
>> finished??
>> What I don't want to happen is to have two jobs running to the same
>> storage device at the same time...I'm not sure what that would do in
>> terms of a backup or the performance.....if it would work physically I
>> have no problem with it, but what would it do to the performance? I'm
>> thinking that it would still be faster to run one after the other.
>I've got to get this sorted in my head again... you have three tape 
>drives and four jobs. Running jobs to different tape drives 
>concurrently is ok.
>Job 2 takes longer than the others.
>Job concurrency is already enabled.
>Is this, so far, correct?
>Then you'd have to make sure only one job uses a tape drive at any 
>given time and that jobs run concurrently otherwise.
>I'd recommend using the same priorities for all jobs. Set "Maximum 
>Con..." for all the drives to 1. Set it to one in your job 
>definitions. Set it to a reasonably high number for the DIR.
>Run all your jobs at the same time.
>Assuming that volumes for the pools used are available, things should 
>work correctly - basically, three jobs start, the fourth one is held. 
>Once the first job finishes, the held jobs starts.
>You probably want to make sure the longest job is started a moment 
>before the others, once everything works up to this point.
>Ok, to answer your question now:
> > Would I be correct in changing the Priority of the second job for
> > Drive #3 to also be 12 from the 13 its at now and then dropping the
> > maximum concurrent jobs to 1 but would I do that in the Job Def or the
> > Storage Def?
>Yes, and in the Storage definition.
>And now I hope I didn't overlook something again :-)

Not at all....weekly backups worked perfectly first time out.

Thank you.
===[George R. Kasica]===        +1 262 677 0766
President                       +1 206 374 6482 FAX 
Netwrx Consulting Inc.          Jackson, WI USA 
ICQ #12862186

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