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Charles Sprickman wrote:
> Hi all,
> I've pretty much made my transition from Amanda to Bacula, and I'm pretty
> happy with it. I'm also starting to get the feel of the manual -
> everything is in there, it's just a bit hard to find sometimes. :)
> I'd just like to run by one simple question here about failed jobs.
> During my testing, and occasionally during real runs I'll have a botched
> job. Some just re-run later, some are mistakes. Here's a real-world
> example that has me a little stumped...
> I wanted to get a Catalog backup onto one of my Daily tapes (I'm forcing
> fulls, diffs and incrementals onto different pools). My catalog backup is
> still using the default once/week schedule and wanting to go onto the
> Weekly pool. I decided to run it today with a Daily tape in. It failed,
> and Bacula wanted me to mount the Weekly tape. This makes sense.
> So I've gone and stopped the director, edited the config to temporarily
> stash the Catalog backup into the Daily pool, and then restarted. It
> still wanted the Weekly tape, so I used the bconsole "list jobs" command
> to find any failed Catalog backups, and then the "delete" command to nuke
> them. I assume this removes any reference to those jobs from the Catalog
> and whatever the scheduler may know about it. Correct?
Yes, that's correct.
> Is this the proper way to clean up after an "oops"?
> I also see quite a few failures that I no longer care about in "list
> jobs", should I manually walk through those and kill them?
You could. I often do just because I'm a neat freak. I can't think of
any other way to do it that is any better.
- --
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