I have my tape streamer on the same scsi cable as my scanner. Once in a while 
scanner fails such that it comes to a sudden halt right in the midst of the 
scan. When that happens I can hear the tape streamer starting to operate. In 
order not to confuse bacula with the tape position I then do an unmount 
following by a mount.

Now bacula ought to know the tape position and perform a correct backup run. 
However, this is not what happens. Bacula starts a scan for end-of-volume but 
never finds the eov mark and therefore fails.

It seems to me that the scanner process has destroyed the tape and made it 
unuseable. Is this something others have experienced and is there a way to 
isolate the tape drive logically from other scsi (scanner) programs. I now 
unmount the tape as soon as a backup has finished but since the backup runs 
unattended during night time I sometimes forget to mount the tape and then miss 
a backup.


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