Craig Isdahl wrote:

> My testing is complete and I'm building a system to use in production.  In
> my tests I backed up to hard disk and ran the DIR and SD on the same
> computer.  I'd like to setup a dedicated SD server but am not sure what I
> need to install.  Do I install the same packages listed above (i.e. does
> postgresql need to run on the SD server)?

You don't need postgresql, as the only component that talks to the database
engine holding the catalog is the director.  Strictly speaking, the database
doesn't even have to run on the same server, as it can communicate over the

As for the mtx package, that includes the wrapper script that the storage
daemon uses to interact with a tape changer, so if you have one, you'll need
to install that one the same machine as the storage daemon.

Frank Sweetser fs at  |  For every problem, there is a solution that
WPI Network Engineer          |  is simple, elegant, and wrong. - HL Mencken
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