On Mon, 16 Jul 2007, Dan Langille wrote:

> People can use the software for free.  It is just that we will stop
> building binaries.  Others are free to build binaries.  In that
> regard, nothing has changed.  The software remains freely available
> for anyone to use.

This is part of the problem I expected to start seeing.

Couple this with one or two people deliberately starting to spread 
disinformation about policies and things can rapidly get out of hand.

> All we're asking is for the companies that are saving thousands of
> dollars to consider donating a relatively small portion of these
> annual savings.

History: When I ran a small email blacklist, I'd regularly get email from 
$LARGE companies giving thanks for the service and telling how much hassle 
it saved. One company gave figures of $11million/quarter - Noone ever 
donated a cent towards the upkeep, even when it was suggested.

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