Chris Hoogendyk wrote:
> So, anyone out there who is doing regular backups and hasn't done a 
> restore, set aside some time and do a test restore.

Thanks for reminding me of this critical test, Chris.  I just did a 
couple test restores (one Linux server and one Windows 2003 server, just 
a few files on each), and naturally bacula did it perfectly.

I had tested restores right after set up and installation, but that was 
about a year ago, and since then I have not tested very often, nor have 
I had occasion do do a REAL restore (knock on my wooden head), so I had 
become complacent.

I feel good seeing that the restore system does still actually restore. ;-)


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where thieves and pimps run free, and good men die like dogs. There's also a 
negative side.  Hunter S. Thompson

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