
After upgrade to bacula 2.0 sporadically I get strange error and then
backup fail. Here is the example:

04-Jul 07:00 backup-sd: Please mount Volume "FILE2" on Storage Device
"Drive-Full" (/dev/nst0) for Job file2-fd_Daily_Job.2007-07-03_23.55.00
04-Jul 07:01 backup-sd: Please mount Volume "FILE2" on Storage Device
"Drive-Full" (/dev/nst0) for Job file2-fd_Daily_Job.2007-07-03_23.55.00
04-Jul 07:01 backup-sd: file2-fd_Daily_Job.2007-07-03_23.55.00 Fatal
error: Too many tries: Wrong Volume mounted on device "Drive-Full"
(/dev/nst0): Wanted FILE2 have FILE7
04-Jul 07:01 backup-sd: file2-fd_Daily_Job.2007-07-03_23.55.00 Fatal
error: spool.c:281 Fatal append error on device "Drive-Full"
(/dev/nst0): ERR=Job BackupReminderFile.2007-07-03_09.00.00 canceled
while waiting for mount on Storage Device "Drive-Full" (/dev/nst0).

04-Jul 07:01 backup-sd: Despooling elapsed time = 01:12:40, Transfer
rate = 12.31 M bytes/second
04-Jul 07:01 backup-sd: Job write elapsed time = 07:05:38, Transfer rate
= 6.300 M bytes/second
04-Jul 07:01 backup-sd: file2-fd_Daily_Job.2007-07-03_23.55.00 Fatal
error: askdir.c:320 NULL Volume name. This shouldn't happen!!!

It started at 05:49, took till 07:00 to hit the "Too many tries:". It
did this 101 times.

Here is my configuration of Device

Device {
  Name = Drive-Full
  Drive Index = 0
  Media Type = LTO-2
  Archive Device = /dev/nst0
  AutomaticMount = no
  AlwaysOpen = yes
  RemovableMedia = yes
  RandomAccess = no
  Maximum Spool Size = 100G
  Maximum Job Spool Size = 50G
  Spool Directory = /spool/Drive-Full

Any ideas hot to resolve it?

Best Regards
Maciej Bogucki

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