> I have One main question, which is:
> 1. Can 1 pool use 2 tape drives simultaneously ? and if so how do I force
> bacula to use both tape drives ?
Although I have had tapes from the same pool loaded in both drives of
my autochanger at one time I am not sure that it did simultaneous
backups using both drives this way so I am not sure so I will let some
one else answer this part.

> If the answer is no, would I need to use more than 1 pool for each tape
> drive  and does anyone have a sample configuration or could point me in the
> right direction for setting this up ?
> I have tried using more than one pool simultaneously in the past but this
> has given me problems when coming to tape changes as it asks for manual tape
> changing..
Did you remove tapes without telling bacula with update tapes? Or did
you preallocate a lot of tapes to one pool and thus have no tapes for
a second pool?

If you preallocated tapes to one pool the solution is to add them to
the "Scratch" pool. Bacula has a built in pool that when it has no
valid tapes in the correct pool it will grab one from the "Scratch"
pool if it can. With my multidirve (2 drive 24 slot)  autochanger I
add all tapes to the Scratch pool and let bacula move tapes to either
of the 6 other pools I have defined when it needs. My pools are
basically UserData, SystemData, ArchiveSet1,ArchiveSet2, TempData.


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