Pool Type = <type> This directive defines the pool type, which corresponds
to the type of Job being run. It is required and may be one of
the following:
*Note, only Backup is current implemented.

I knew I saw it somewhere.  But it does say its not implemented.

Arno Lehmann wrote:
> Hi,
> 27.06.2007 00:26,, Brian Debelius wrote::
>> But its in the docs. :)
> Where? :-)
> I guess this is a problem with terminology - What is called "cloning" 
> in the manual, and what you refer to, is probably this (Director 
> configuration, Job resource):
>> Run = <job-name>
>>     The Run directive (not to be confused with the Run option in a Schedule) 
>> allows you to start other jobs or to clone jobs.
> This does not refer to actual job data cloning, but to the feature 
> that jobs can start other jobs.
> Not quite what Clyde wants...
> Arno
>> Arno Lehmann wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> 26.06.2007 23:21,, Brian Debelius wrote::
>>>> You want what is called cloning.  I'm not sure if it has been fully 
>>>> implemented yet.  I would like to do that also.
>>> No, that's not implemented. I would even say that's not even been 
>>> started to be implemented.
>>> Arno
>>>> brian-
>>>> Clyde O Goffe wrote:
>>>>> Hey Peter,
>>>>> Thanks for your reply.  I'm not sure if this is what I want though.  
>>>>> If I could migrate the data to Tape but also keep the data on disk 
>>>>> for fast restores then that would be ideal.  The Tapes will be kept 
>>>>> offsite.  I only want to use the Tape for restores in the event that 
>>>>> a restore from Disk fails or if I need to rebuilt my site at a 
>>>>> alternate location.  It seems your solution is a step in the right 
>>>>> direction only I need to keep the data on Disk as well.  Do you know 
>>>>> if that's possible without having to do a separate backup to Tape of 
>>>>> the same data?
>>>>> -Clyde
>>>>> On 6/26/07, *Peter Eisch* <[EMAIL PROTECTED] <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> 
>>>>> wrote:
>>>>>     Hi Clyde,
>>>>>     In your pool definition include the key (Next Pool) with the right
>>>>>     value:
>>>>>     Pool {
>>>>>       Name = host
>>>>>       Use Volume Once = yes
>>>>>       Pool Type = Backup
>>>>>       Auto Prune = yes
>>>>>       Volume Retention = 13 days
>>>>>       Label Format = host-
>>>>>       Maximum Volumes = 15
>>>>>       Recycle = yes
>>>>>       Storage = hostFiles
>>>>>       Next Pool = DSI-Tape
>>>>>     }
>>>>>     Pool {
>>>>>       Name = DSI-Tape
>>>>>       Pool Type = Backup
>>>>>       Recycle = yes
>>>>>       AutoPrune = yes
>>>>>       Volume Retention = 31 days # rotate tapes monthly
>>>>>       Storage = TL2000
>>>>>     }
>>>>>     Then create a job to do the migration.  Below is an example.  Take
>>>>>     care to note that I name my pools (separate pool for each host)
>>>>>     the same name as the host.   Then replace the named 'host'  with
>>>>>     the client's name.  Also note the bacula server is named
>>>>>     '<bacula-server>'.  :
>>>>>     Job {
>>>>>       Name = "host-migrate"
>>>>>       Type = Migrate
>>>>>       Level = Full
>>>>>       Client = <bacula-server>-fd
>>>>>       Write Bootstrap = "/u1/bacula/working/host-migrate.bsr"
>>>>>       FileSet = "Host Set"
>>>>>       Schedule = "MigrateCycle"
>>>>>       Messages = Standard
>>>>>       Pool = host
>>>>>       Selection Type = Volume
>>>>>       Selection Pattern = ".*"
>>>>>       Priority = 12
>>>>>     }
>>>>>     The Migrate cycle, at my site, fires off on Thursday nights so the
>>>>>     tape can be rotated on Friday.  In the Migrate job, you could
>>>>>     change what's written to tape to be a subset of  what was written
>>>>>     in the disk backup by manipulating the FileSet.  The Migrate job
>>>>>     draw from the Pool using the bacula-server's FD. 
>>>>>     Does this help?  Hopefully between the on-line manual and my
>>>>>     example you can find a solution.
>>>>>     NB: once the backup has been migrated, you can no longer use the
>>>>>     disk copy of the backup in the event you need to restore.  If you
>>>>>     restart the sd between migrate jobs (like a system reboot or
>>>>>     add/change to the sd.conf) the next migrate will fail appending to
>>>>>     the current tape.  It's for these two reasons that I only migrate
>>>>>     weekly.
>>>>>     peter
>>>>>     On 6/26/07 1:58 PM, "Clyde O Goffe" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>>>>     <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>>>>>         Thanks in advanced!
>>>>>         On 6/26/07, *Clyde O Goffe* <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>>>>         <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>> wrote:
>>>>>             Hello Everyone,
>>>>>             I'm interested in knowing if there is a feature that
>>>>>             allows you to automatically send a copy of a backup to
>>>>>             disk off to tape for offsite storage.  I'm trying not to
>>>>>             have to run two separate backups of the same server but
>>>>>             instead just run one backup and then have it copied off to
>>>>>             tape.  Also this way I know that the same data that's on
>>>>>             disk is also on tape.  Any suggestions?
>>>>>             -Clyde
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