Kern Sibbald wrote:
> You should read what Linus has to say about dump!  I don't remember his exact 
> words but something to the effect that "yes, it seems to work, but if you 
> really understood kernel caching, you would realize that it cannot work and 
> that one day you will get burned."  That's paraphrased.  By the way, aside 
> from tar, dump is the major component of Amanda :-)  I wonder when the Zmanda 
> VCs will realize that they spent $13 million for dump technology that Linus 
> says is destined to break :-)  amusing (at least to me).

I've heard many times, from many people, that dump is broken on linux.

Most linux users of amanda use gtar -- not dump.

Most Solaris users of amanda use ufsdump. I've never heard that ufsdump
is broken.

Neither dump nor tar are components of amanda. They come with the client
OS or are installed there by the sysadmin separately from amanda. If
you're clever enough to do it, you can even stream other backup output
to amanda instead.


Chris Hoogendyk

   O__  ---- Systems Administrator
  c/ /'_ --- Biology & Geology Departments
 (*) \(*) -- 140 Morrill Science Center
~~~~~~~~~~ - University of Massachusetts, Amherst 



Erdös 4

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