"Martin Simmons" a écrit le 15/06/2007 18:27 :
On Fri, 15 Jun 2007 17:35:18 +0200, Jean-Sebastien Hederer said:
I've got a problem with current installation of bacula for Win32.
Configuration files are in "all users" directory. So, they are viewable
from each user even if they are limited. I think this is a problem to

Interesting problem, but c:\bacula is not much better unless you change the
permissions :-(
Yes, problem is not on the path, but on ACL for files created by the NSIS installer and used by FD.


Le vendredi 15 juin 2007 à 10:22 -0500, George R.Kasica a écrit :
On Fri, 15 Jun 2007 00:56:32 -0700, you wrote:
Kern Sibbald wrote:

If you are a user of Bacula on Windows, I would be interested in your responses to the following:

1. I am considering to change the default installation location for Bacula on Windows to be the same as it was previously -- that is the \bacula directory on the main disk. The current installation places files in the "standard" Windows locations, but IMO, it is very inconvenient because they are extremely long names with spaces that are very hard to remember, and are
sprayed all over the disk.
I actually prefer having them in the standard locations. On our Windows
servers we have data execution prevention policies which stop programs
>from executing if they aren't under C:\Program Files.
I'd agree with this statement for many clients I work with.

4. Can any of you run the Windows regression scripts? This requires a minimal knowledge of cmd scripts but no programming experience.
I would be willing to run regression scripts. We have a lot of Windows
servers which we run Bacula on (the fd only). And I would like to help
make sure Bacula continues to work on our systems.
Same situation here, I'd be happy to test out that portion. The SD and
DIR run off linux here. Servers are 2003 with all up to date patches,
and workstations are XP-SP2 again fully updated normally.

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