        I have a Client Run Before Job script that takes about about 5 hrs to
run. After this i see the following error message in the bacula logs and
the job fails to run:
21-Jun 02:32 omicron-fd: omicron-courses.2007-06-20_21.00.00 Fatal
error: Authorization key rejected by Storage daemon.
Please see
for help.
21-Jun 02:32 omicron-fd: omicron-courses.2007-06-20_21.00.00 Fatal
error: Failed to authenticate Storage daemon.
21-Jun 02:32 bacula-dir: omicron-courses.2007-06-20_21.00.00 Fatal
error: Socket error on Storage command: ERR=No data available
21-Jun 02:32 bacula-dir: omicron-courses.2007-06-20_21.00.00 Error:
Bacula 2.0.2 (28Jan07): 21-Jun-2007 02:32:52

I presume this is about of the 30/40min timeout in the bacula code
between asking for the FD to talk to the SD and the FD and SD actually

Any ideas on a work around for this?

James Ray.                          <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Computing Services
Queen Mary, University of London

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