Help please! -- Error: block.c:1078 Volume data error at 1:10193! Short block of 59447 bytes on device "StorageTekL40" (/dev/nsa0.0) discarded. Error: read_record.c:141 block.c:1078 Volume data error at 1:10193! Short block of 59447 bytes on device "StorageTekL40" (/dev/nsa0.0) discarded. --
I'm getting this error when I attempt to restore data from a tape; I can restore /some/ data from the tapes, but jobs which are not located near the front of the tape are producing this error and failing. This is happening with bls and bextract on File 3 or 4 (different tapes/jobs). Bacula 2.0.3, FreeBSD 6.1, HP LTO2 Ultra tape drive. I found some information about variable blocksize, but I'm already using variable blocksize and if I set "Block Positioning = no" I get a different error and the end of File 1: -- Error: block.c:993 Read error on fd=3 at file:blk 1:0 on device "StorageTekL40" (/dev/nsa0.0). ERR=Operation not permitted. -- #mt -f /dev/nsa0 status Mode Density Blocksize bpi Compression Current: 0x42 variable 0 0x1 ---------available modes--------- 0: 0x42 variable 0 0x1 1: 0x42 variable 0 0x1 2: 0x42 variable 0 0x1 3: 0x42 variable 0 0x1 --------------------------------- Current Driver State: at rest. --------------------------------- File Number: 1 Record Number: 0 Residual Count 0 -- Perfection is just a word I use occasionally with mustard. --Atom Powers-- Systems Administrator DigiPen Institute of Technology (425) 895-4443 ------------------------------------------------------------------------- This email is sponsored by DB2 Express Download DB2 Express C - the FREE version of DB2 express and take control of your XML. No limits. Just data. Click to get it now. _______________________________________________ Bacula-users mailing list