Although this is not a big problem I wanted to report this. Last night
a job became blocked waiting for a tape that is in the changer. This
was on the first drive of the changer and a previous job of a
different pool had run on that drive and unloaded the media. I am
using bacula-2.1.18 for the director and 2.1.12 for the sd that is
connected to the autochanger.

19-Jun 20:30 fileserver-dir: Start Backup JobId 5395,
19-Jun 20:30 fileserver-dir: Using Device "LTO2-0"
19-Jun 20:31 dev2-fd: DIR and FD clocks differ by 86 seconds, FD
automatically adjusting.
19-Jun 20:30 fileserver-dir: Start Backup JobId 5397,
19-Jun 20:30 fileserver-dir: Using Device "LTO2-0"
19-Jun 20:33 radimgws3-fd: DIR and FD clocks differ by 211 seconds, FD
automatically adjusting.
19-Jun 20:30 fileserver-dir: Start Backup JobId 5398,
19-Jun 20:30 fileserver-dir: Using Device "LTO2-0"
19-Jun 20:31 radimgws40-fd: DIR and FD clocks differ by 86 seconds, FD
automatically adjusting.
19-Jun 20:26 dev6-sd: 3307 Issuing autochanger "unload slot 9, drive 0" command.

<removed info from several jobs on 2 other tape drives but nothing on this one>

19-Jun 21:30 dev6-sd: Please mount Volume "A00029" or label a new one for:
    Job:          dev2-outlook.2007-06-19_20.30.03
    Storage:      "LTO2-0" (/dev/nst0)
    Pool:         UserBackup-LTO2
    Media type:   LTO-2


Device status:
Autochanger "Magnum224-0" with devices:
   "LTO2-0" (/dev/nst0)
   "LTO2-1" (/dev/nst1)
Device "LTO2-0" (/dev/nst0) is not open.
    Device is BLOCKED waiting for mount of volume "A00029",
       Pool:        UserBackup-LTO2
       Media type:  LTO-2
    Drive 0 is not loaded.
Device "LTO2-1" (/dev/nst1) is mounted with:
    Volume:      A00030
    Pool:        LTO2-Study-Backup
    Media type:  LTO-2
    Slot 1 is loaded in drive 1.
    Total Bytes=258,048 Blocks=3 Bytes/block=86,016
    Positioned at File=3 Block=0
Device "DEV6-DLT-IV-0" (/dev/nst2) is not open.
Device "DEV6-DVD-WRITER" (/dev/dvd) is not open.

In Use Volume status:
A00029 on device "LTO2-0" (/dev/nst0)

As the following shows A00029 is in the changer at slot 3.
#list media pool=UserBackup-LTO2
| mediaid | volumename | volstatus | enabled | volbytes        |
volfiles | volretention | recycle | slot | inchanger | mediatype |
lastwritten         |
|     125 | A00009     | Full      |       1 | 336,364,067,603 |
444 |   31,536,000 |       0 |    9 |         0 | LTO-2     |
2006-12-10 14:24:45 |
|     139 | A00014     | Full      |       1 | 396,013,750,272 |
455 |   31,536,000 |       0 |   12 |         0 | LTO-2     |
2007-01-26 20:10:59 |
|     145 | A00020     | Append    |       1 | 176,974,221,312 |
200 |   31,536,000 |       1 |   18 |         1 | LTO-2     |
2007-06-15 08:53:16 |
|     146 | A00021     | Full      |       1 | 375,772,594,176 |
540 |   31,536,000 |       1 |   22 |         0 | LTO-2     |
2007-03-12 21:05:38 |
|     155 | A00024     | Full      |       1 | 380,788,660,224 |
433 |   31,536,000 |       1 |    2 |         0 | LTO-2     |
2007-04-10 20:34:39 |
|     157 | A00026     | Full      |       1 | 383,478,746,112 |
412 |   31,536,000 |       1 |    4 |         0 | LTO-2     |
2007-05-08 20:48:16 |
|     163 | A00029     | Append    |       1 | 104,709,556,224 |
113 |   31,536,000 |       1 |    3 |         1 | LTO-2     |
2007-06-18 20:56:51 |

I also tried update slots but that did not help.

When I looked at the changer the A00029 is in the changer at slot 3
and there is no tape in the drive. I have no other debugging info.


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