On 15:35, Andre Noll wrote:

> > - Reviewing my hash table code (particularly the hash function)  
> > src/lib/htable.h src/lib/htable.c
> Will do.

First some general remarks:

        - check the return value of malloc()
        - keys are restricted to strings. it would be easy to extend this
          to arbitrary data by adding a "size" field.
        - IMHO "%p" is prefered for printing pointer variables.

--------------------------------------- htable.h

> struct hlink {
>    void *next;                        /* next hash item */

why not struct hlink *next?

>    char *key;                         /* key this item */
>    uint32_t hash;                     /* hash for this key */
> };
> class htable : public SMARTALLOC {
>    hlink **table;                     /* hash table */
>    int loffset;                       /* link offset in item */

see below.

>    uint32_t num_items;                /* current number of items */
>    uint32_t max_items;                /* maximum items before growing */

see below.

>    uint32_t buckets;                  /* size of hash table */
>    uint32_t hash;                     /* temp storage */
>    uint32_t index;                    /* temp storage */
>    uint32_t mask;                     /* "remainder" mask */
>    uint32_t rshift;                   /* amount to shift down */
>    hlink *walkptr;                    /* table walk pointer */

This is only used in first() and next(). IMHO the code would be
more readable if this were local to these two methods and
mext() would take a pointer to the predecessor.

>    uint32_t walk_index;               /* table walk index */

same here.

>    void hash_index(char *key);        /* produce hash key,index */
>    void grow_table();                 /* grow the table */
> public:
>    htable(void *item, void *link, int tsize = 31);
>    ~htable() { destroy(); }
>    void init(void *item, void *link, int tsize = 31);
>    bool  insert(char *key, void *item);
>    void *lookup(char *key);
>    void *first();                     /* get first item in table */
>    void *next();                      /* get next item in table */
>    void destroy();
>    void stats();                      /* print stats about the table */
>    uint32_t size();                   /* return size of table */
> };


> /*
>  * Create hash of key, stored in hash then
>  *  create and return the pseudo random bucket index
>  */
> void htable::hash_index(char *key)
> {
>    hash = 0;
>    for (char *p=key; *p; p++) {
>       hash += (hash << 3) + (uint32_t)*p;
>    }

This ist just shifting and multiplication with the bytes in key. I
would expect this hash to have quite some unneccessary collisions
when used on strings, though I'm by no means an expert in this area.

>    /* Multiply by large prime number, take top bits, mask for remainder */
>    index = ((hash * 1103515249) >> rshift) & mask;
>    Dmsg2(100, "Leave hash_index hash=0x%x index=%d\n", hash, index);
>    return;

The return statement is unneccesary.

> void htable::init(void *item, void *link, int tsize)
> {
>    int pwr;
>    tsize >>= 2;
>    for (pwr=0; tsize; pwr++) {
>       tsize >>= 1;
>    }
>    loffset = (char *)link - (char *)item;

This is a constant, known at compile time, so make it a preprocessor
define using offsetof.

>    mask = ~((~0)<<pwr);               /* 3 bits => table size = 8 */
>    rshift = 30 - pwr;                 /* start using bits 28, 29, 30 */
>    num_items = 0;                     /* number of entries in table */
>    buckets = 1<<pwr;                  /* hash table size -- power of two */
>    max_items = buckets * 4;           /* allow average 4 entries per chain */

As max_items is always four times the number of buckets, we could
get rid of max_items. More importantly, I think it is not optimal
to store that many keys in the table because that means we'll have
in average four hits per bucket. I'd rather choose max_items _smaller_
than the number of buckets. For instance the git code which uses hash
tables extensively, grows its table whenever it is filled 66%.

>    table = (hlink **)malloc(buckets * sizeof(hlink *));

unneccessary cast.

>    memset(table, 0, buckets * sizeof(hlink *));

how about calloc() instead of malloc + memset?

> /*
>  * Take each hash link and walk down the chain of items
>  *  that hash there counting them (i.e. the hits), 
>  *  then report that number.

Open addressing might be better than chaining to deal with
hash collisions. In particular if items are never (or rarely)
removed from the table.

>  *  Obiously, the more hits in a chain, the more time
>  *  it takes to reference them. Empty chains are not so
>  *  hot either -- as it means unused or wasted space.
>  */
> #define MAX_COUNT 20

Unless I'm mistaken, the code will fail badly if there are more than
MAX_COUNT keys that hash to the same value.

> void htable::stats()
> {
>    int hits[MAX_COUNT];
>    int max = 0;
>    int i, j;
>    hlink *p;
>    printf("\n\nNumItems=%d\nTotal buckets=%d\n", num_items, buckets);
>    printf("Hits/bucket: buckets\n");


>    for (i=0; i < MAX_COUNT; i++) {
>       hits[i] = 0;
>    }

memset(hits, 0 MAXCOUNT * sizeof(int));

>    for (i=0; i<(int)buckets; i++) {
>       p = table[i];
>       j = 0;
>       while (p) {
>          p = (hlink *)(p->next);

cast would become unneccessary if next were struct hlink*.

> void htable::grow_table()
> {
>    Dmsg1(100, "Grow called old size = %d\n", buckets);
>    /* Setup a bigger table */
>    htable *big = (htable *)malloc(sizeof(htable));

unnecessary cast

>    big->loffset = loffset;
>    big->mask = mask<<1 | 1;
>    big->rshift = rshift - 1;
>    big->num_items = 0;
>    big->buckets = buckets * 2;
>    big->max_items = big->buckets * 4;

DRY ;)

>    big->table = (hlink **)malloc(big->buckets * sizeof(hlink *));
>    memset(big->table, 0, big->buckets * sizeof(hlink *));

unnecessary cast, calloc().

>    /*
>     * We walk through the old smaller tree getting items,
>     * but since we are overwriting the colision links, we must
>     * explicitly save the item->next pointer and walk each
>     * colision chain ourselves.  We do use next() for getting
>     * to the next bucket.
>     */
>    for (void *item=first(); item; ) {
>       void *ni = ((hlink *)((char *)item+loffset))->next;  /* save link 
> overwritten by insert */

It might be worth to improve readability by defining

#define next_item(item) ((hlink *)((char *)((item)+(loffset))

as this calculation is needed several times.

>       Dmsg1(100, "Grow insert: %s\n", ((hlink *)((char *)item+loffset))->key);
>       big->insert(((hlink *)((char *)item+loffset))->key, item);
>       if (ni) {
>          item = (void *)((char *)ni-loffset);
>       } else {
>          walkptr = NULL;
>          item = next();
>       }
>    }

This rather ugly code would become unneccessary when using open
addressing instead of chaining.

> void *htable::next()
> {
>    Dmsg1(100, "Enter next: walkptr=0x%x\n", (unsigned)walkptr);

>    if (walkptr) {
>       walkptr = (hlink *)(walkptr->next);

unnecessary cast

The only person who always got his work done by Friday was Robinson Crusoe

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