Maria McKinley wrote:
> tomasz wrote:
>> Maria McKinley wrote:
>>> Broderick Wood wrote:
>>>> I see in another post you say that MTX is working properly from the
>>>> command line.  This makes me believe that LUN support is enabled.
>>>> You should be getting communication problems with MTX if it wasn't. 
>>>> :-)
>>>> BTW  What Operating System and version are you running?
>>> I am running Debian, Linux version 2.4.27-3-386.
>>> In another post, I had explained how I got the permissions fixed (at
>>> least I think, they aren't the same as they use to be, but they are
>>> what someone else had reccommeded), but bacula was hanging. It did
>>> quit hanging, and turns out I had forgotten to restart the storage
>>> daemon. But there still seems to be a problem, as this is what I get
>>> now:
>>> *update slots
>>> Using default Catalog name=MyCatalog DB=bacula
>>> Automatically selected Storage: Exabyte
>>> Connecting to Storage daemon Exabyte at dinah:9103 ...
>>> 3306 Issuing autochanger "slots" command.
>>> Device "Exabyte" has 0 slots.
>>> No slots in changer to scan.
>>> Could this still be a permission problem?  Here are my permissions now:
>>> crw-rw---- 1 root tape 9,  0 2005-02-25 22:38 /dev/st0
>>> crw------- 1 root root 21,  0 2005-02-25 22:38 /dev/sg0
>>> I assumed /dev/sg0 should have the same permissions as /dev/st0, so I
>>> added this to my script:
>>> KERNEL=="sg*",                  GROUP="tape", MODE="0660"
>>> but this didn't change the permissions for /dev/sg0. Is this likely
>>> to be the problem the changer didn't see any slots, and any idea why
>>> didn't changing the permissions work like it did for /dev/st0?
>>> thanks again,
>>> maria
>> have been bacula running earlier as root? and right now is running as
>> bacula user? check starting script
>> cos if so as simple test change devices owner to bacula like
>> chown bacula:bacula /dev/st0
>> chown bacula:bacula /dev/sg0
>> and check if it works from bconsole
>> cos as i pointed it earlier when u run mtx in console u are doing it as
>> root - dont u? not bacula
>> when u r doing it from bconsole u r doing it as bacula group bacula - i
>> guess thats how it is running.
>> correct me if i am wrong
> Ok, that did it. Changing them both to be owned by bacula fixed it. Now
> I just have figure out how to make sure they stay that way. Thanks a bunch!

i think u wont do it
try the same as u done with 'st0' and 'chgrp' for 'sg0' to 'tape' then
add perm for group
then stick bacula user into 'tape' group

bEsT rEgArDs            |       "Confidence is what you have before you
tomasz dereszynski      |       understand the problem." -- Woody Allen
TD840-RIPE              |

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