
On 5/29/2007 9:35 PM, Bob Gamble wrote:
> Hello,
> When I first started using bacula about 5 months ago, I used one
> volume for everything.

Oh. That's not really a good idea.

>  All seemed to be fine until I realized how
> quickly I was going to use up the 2.5 terabytes.  At the time, I
> wrongly assumed six months would pass and I would have plenty of space
> after the volume was recycled.
> Now, I have very little space left.  I've split each backup into their
> own pools (as described in
> http://www.bacula.org/dev-manual/Automated_Disk_Backup.html 
> <http://www.bacula.org/dev-manual/Automated_Disk_Backup.html>) and the
> large volume is no longer being written to as of the first week of
> May.  If I understand the documentation correctly I can recapture hard
> drive space like this:
> Change the VolRetention period to three months instead of six (which I did)
> Set Autoprune and Recycle to Yes
> I'm hoping the VolRetention is measured from when the volume was first
> used, which is back in January or February,

No, the retention period starts when the volume was last used. 
Otherwise, you might lose valid backups.

> and that even though the
> available disk space on the bacula server shows less than 100 gb left,
> it will overwrite space that has been taken up by the single large
> volume when another volume needs the space.

No, it will overwrite th huge volume only when it's recycled, which will 
not happen before the retention time has passed.

> That is essentially my question.  If I understand correctly, since
> bacula holds on to data as long is it can until more space is needed,
> will the bacula server at some point, always have a full hard drive?

Not necessarily. In your setup, though, probably.

> If I'm wrong, when does it clear the space taken by expired retention
> periods?  I wonder what options I have to save the last three months
> of backups from the large volume while removing the backups whose time
> has expired.  Is there a way to do this?

Set up migration (you'll need a second sorage device for it which could 
use the same archive directory) and migrate the valid jobs from the huge 
volume. Afterwards, manually recycle that volume. When it's re-used, 
Bacula will truncate it and your disk space will look much nicer :-)

>  Or do I need to just remove
> the large volume to make more space?  Thank you for any tips.

That would be the simplest solution, but you will lose some backups you 
might consider valuable.


> -- 
> BobG
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