Hello Dave,

Please always copy the list -- thanks.
On Sunday 27 May 2007 23:44, Dave wrote:
> Hi Kern,
>     How much feedback have you got with both tls and pki on windows systems? 

Yes, some.  To the best of my knowledge the comm encryption (tls) is working 
fine.  However, there is an open bug report #807 on the data encryption (pki) 
on Windows systems, which I have not been able to duplicate -- any additional 
testing by other people would be welcome.  

> I'm about to try it, i've got both of those working on FreeBSD, i'm about to 
> add a linux client, and two windows machines, with a third bsd box in the 
> future. I was wondering if you needed feedback or questions answered i could 
> provide it if you had any? 

Well, the more people who try it, the better.  Aside from resolving the above 
bug, my biggest concern with the data encryption code is that the 
documentation is not as complete as some users would like -- it is fine for 
those who understand encryption, certificates, and all that, but it is not 
sufficiently detailed for novices.  Any "contributions" to improve the manual 
would be appreciated.  The questions that seem to come up the most often 
involve how to configure the other daemons (I think I example shows only 
one), and how to generate, deploy, and use a master key.

> I did notice a difference between data encryption  
> on and off a performance hit and posted it. If you think i can provide any 
> useful information let me know.

Of course, there is a performance hit.  Encryption is *extremely* compute 
intensive.  There is not much we can do about that, since I see nothing 
terribly inefficient in the code.

Best regards,


> Thanks.
> Dave.

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