I created a Test volume in de Default Pool and I ran a backup Job in it :

Pool: Default
| MediaId | VolumeName | VolStatus | Enabled | VolBytes      | VolFiles |
VolRetention | Recycle | Slot | InChanger | MediaType | LastWritten
|     153 | Test       | Append    |       1 | 7,359,916,646 |        1 |
1,209,600 |       1 |    0 |         1 | File      | 2007-05-25 11:03:10 |

I also defined a test migration job :

-- Job {
 Pool = Default
 Type = Migrate
 Name = "MigrTtest"
 Schedule = "Migr2TapeFullSched"
 Storage = Filer
 Client = jmdufour-fd
 Fileset = "LinuxSet"
 JobDefs = "MigrFullDef"
 Selection Type = Volume
 Selection Pattern = ".*"
 Priority = 15

When I estimate the job, everything seems OK :

The defined Job resources are:
   45: MigrTtest
Select Job resource (1-45): 45
Using Catalog "MyCatalog"
Connecting to Client jmdufour-fd at
2000 OK estimate files=181895 bytes=7,330,971,740

However when I run the job. No files are selected :

A job name must be specified.
The defined Job resources are:
    1: Client_mlevy
    2: Client_ffournier
    3: Client_zerocool
    4: Client_jfparis
    5: Client_jduchesne
    6: Client_jdupont
    7: Client_htabet
    8: Client_yrzaini
    9: Client_conference
   10: Client_erobibaro
   11: Client_jmdufour
   12: Client_cscott
   13: Client_nmarcotte
   14: Client_slavoie
   15: Client_ebudkewitsch
   16: Client_clavoie
   17: Client_adilella
   18: Client_bcollins
   19: Client_llariviere
   20: Client_antivirus
   21: Client_tts-dev
   22: Client_lcardinal
   23: Client_sarora
   24: Client_rcpaul
   25: Client_sringuet
   26: Client_rleprohon
   27: Client_atouzin
   28: Client_jbergeron
   29: Client_bvilleneuve
   30: Client_mvilleneuve
   31: Client_pmorin
   32: Client_msaumier
   33: Client_rbelanger
   34: Client_plandry
   35: Client_sdesautels
   36: Client_integra32
   37: BackupCatalog
   38: RestoreFiles
   39: MigrateSafe1
   40: MigrateSafe2
   41: MigrateSafe3
   42: MigrateSafe4
   43: MigrateIron
   44: MigrTQuery
   45: MigrTtest
Select Job resource (1-45): 45
Run Migration job
JobName:       MigrTtest
Bootstrap:     *None*
Client:        jmdufour-fd
FileSet:       LinuxSet
Pool:          Default (From Job resource)
Read Storage:  Filer (From Job resource)
Write Storage: Taper (From Storage from Pool's NextPool resource)
JobId:         *None*
When:          2007-05-25 12:18:28
Catalog:       MyCatalog
Priority:      15
OK to run? (yes/mod/no): yes
Job queued. JobId=1781
You have messages.
25-May 12:18 zerocool-dir: Query of Pool "Default" returned no Jobs to
25-May 12:18 zerocool-dir: No JobIds found to migrate.
25-May 12:18 zerocool-dir: Bacula 2.0.3 (06Mar07): 25-May-2007 12:18:35
 Prev Backup JobId:      0
 New Backup JobId:       0
 Migration JobId:        1781
 Migration Job:          MigrTtest.2007-05-25_12.18.33
 Backup Level:           Full
 Client:                 jmdufour-fd
 FileSet:                "LinuxSet"
 Read Pool:              "Default" (From Job resource)
 Read Storage:           "Filer" (From Job resource)
 Write Pool:             "Default" (From Job resource)
 Write Storage:          "Taper" (From Storage from Pool's NextPool
 Start time:             25-May-2007 12:18:35
 End time:               25-May-2007 12:18:35
 Elapsed time:           0 secs
 Priority:               15
 SD Files Written:       0
 SD Bytes Written:       0 (0 B)
 Rate:                   0.0 KB/s
 Volume name(s):
 Volume Session Id:      0
 Volume Session Time:    0
 Last Volume Bytes:      0 (0 B)
 SD Errors:              0
 SD termination status:
 Termination:            Migration -- no files to migrate

25-May 12:18 zerocool-dir: Begin pruning Jobs.
25-May 12:18 zerocool-dir: No Jobs found to prune.
25-May 12:18 zerocool-dir: Begin pruning Files.
25-May 12:18 zerocool-dir: No Files found to prune.
25-May 12:18 zerocool-dir: End auto prune.

Please help me to understand the migration process.

Jean-Marc Dufour
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