Tnx for the response.

Aha!  The RELEASE notes!  I didn't check any of those!

I looked in the manual to find out what it was and if the problem I was having 
would be addressed by it but I couldn't find it.  Looked in the email 
archives on gmane... lots of (old references) but nothing telling me how it 

Turns out the problem I was having was just that an out-of-changer appendable 
volume was being preferred to an in-changer recycled one.

Now that I know what the problem was, I've tweaked the config to avoid it.

On Thursday 24 May 2007 4:35:51 pm Michel Meyers wrote:
> From the 2.0.3 release notes:
> - The bacula-dir.conf directive Accept Any Volume has been
>   removed because it was never implemented. You must delete all
>   occurrence of this directive for the Director to run. The Storage
>   daemon will automatically accept any valid Volume that you mount.
> Greetings,
>        Michel

-- Flak Magnet (Tim)

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