I'm thinking about creating an admin job that parse volumes list and
mark all volumes not in changer as used. What would happened with bacula
then ? Does volumes with status "used" but without any recent writing
dates will be recycled according to their last written date ?

Adam Cécile a écrit :
> Hi,
> Not really... I made some changes on my configuration which should fix
> the problem but it doesn't :
> ### SD conf
> Autochanger {
>   Name = Dell-PV132T
>   Device = ULTRIUM-TD3-1
>   Device = ULTRIUM-TD3-2
>   Changer Command = "/etc/bacula/scripts/mtx-changer %c %o %S %a %d"
>   Changer Device = /dev/sg2
> }
> Autochanger {
>   Name = Dell-PV132T-1drive
>   Device = ULTRIUM-TD3-1
>   Changer Command = "/etc/bacula/scripts/mtx-changer %c %o %S %a %d"
>   Changer Device = /dev/sg2
> }
> Device {
>   Name = ULTRIUM-TD3-1
>   Drive Index = 0
>   Media Type = LTO3
>   Archive Device = /dev/nst0
>   AutomaticMount = yes;
>   AlwaysOpen = yes;
>   RemovableMedia = yes;
>   Offline On Unmount = no;
>   AutoChanger = yes
> }
> Device {
>   Name = ULTRIUM-TD3-2
>   Drive Index = 1
>   Media Type = LTO3
>   Archive Device = /dev/nst1
>   AutomaticMount = yes;
>   AlwaysOpen = yes;
>   RemovableMedia = yes;
>   Offline On Unmount = no;
>   AutoChanger = yes
> }
> ### Dir conf
> Storage {
>   Name = Autochanger
>   Address = srv-mpp-lrs
>   SDPort = 9103
>   Password = "xxx"
>   Device = Dell-PV132T
>   Media Type = LTO3
>   Autochanger = yes
>   Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 2
> }
> Storage {
>   Name = Autochanger-1drive
>   Address = srv-mpp-lrs
>   SDPort = 9103
>   Password = "xxx"
>   Device = Dell-PV132T-1drive
>   Media Type = LTO3
>   Autochanger = yes
>   Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 1
> }
> As you can see I've written to autochanger ressources, but one has only
> one drives. The same problems still occurs but now we can't tell bacula
> haven't looked a inchanger flag because the device wasn't an autochanger...
> Any other pointers ?
> May I run two different SD ? (maybe without having "always open = on")
> Arno Lehmann a écrit :
>> Hi,
>> well, I think this problem is understood now :-)
>> On 5/23/2007 9:00 AM, Adam Cécile wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> Here is what happens :
>>> Blogs are scheduled on the first appendable volume, without looking at
>>> the inchanger flag. If I mark this volume as Used or Full, jobs  gets
>>> scheduled on the next appendable volume, instead of the next one
>>> appendable and inchanger.
>>> #### Scheduled jobs
>>> Scheduled Jobs:
>>> Level          Type     Pri  Scheduled          Name               Volume
>>> ===================================================================================
>>> Full           Backup     5  23-mai-07 12:00    Backup-srv-mpp-archi-dwh
>>> 000121
>>> Full           Backup     5  23-mai-07 12:00   
>>> Backup-srv-mpp-archi-treso 000121
>>> Full           Backup     5  23-mai-07 12:00   
>>> Backup-srv-mpp-archi-totem 000121
>>> Full           Backup     5  23-mai-07 12:00   
>>> Backup-srv-mpp-archi-filemaker 000121
>>> Full           Backup     5  23-mai-07 12:00   
>>> Backup-srv-mpp-archi-equilibre 000121
>>> Full           Backup     5  23-mai-07 20:00   
>>> Backup-srv-mpp-exchang-daily 000121
>>> ### List volumes (on this Pool)
>>> Pool: Daily
>>> +---------+------------+-----------+---------+-------------------+----------+--------------+---------+------+-----------+-----------+---------------------+
>>> | MediaId | VolumeName | VolStatus | Enabled | VolBytes          |
>>> VolFiles | VolRetention | Recycle | Slot | InChanger | MediaType |
>>> LastWritten         |
>>> +---------+------------+-----------+---------+-------------------+----------+--------------+---------+------+-----------+-----------+---------------------+
>>> |      59 | 000143     | Purged    |       1 |   394,391,772,372 |     
>>> 422 |    1,209,600 |       1 |    1 |         1 | LTO3      | 2007-04-05
>>> 08:44:03 |
>>> |      60 | 000115     | Purged    |       1 |   152,609,505,455 |     
>>> 163 |    1,209,600 |       1 |    8 |         0 | LTO3      | 2007-04-19
>>> 13:29:21 |
>>> |      61 | 000116     | Purged    |       1 | 1,278,772,008,661 |   
>>> 1,409 |    1,209,600 |       1 |    9 |         0 | LTO3      |
>>> 2007-04-23 13:30:52 |
>>> |      62 | 000117     | Purged    |       1 |   742,127,695,846 |     
>>> 789 |    1,209,600 |       1 |   10 |         0 | LTO3      | 2007-04-26
>>> 21:10:42 |
>>> |      63 | 000118     | Full      |       1 |   824,915,470,096 |     
>>> 894 |    1,209,600 |       1 |   11 |         0 | LTO3      | 2007-05-09
>>> 15:38:16 |
>>> |      64 | 000119     | Purged    |       1 |    25,754,213,310 |      
>>> 31 |    1,209,600 |       1 |   12 |         0 | LTO3      | 2007-04-27
>>> 08:48:46 |
>>> |      65 | 000120     | Full      |       1 |   553,103,626,001 |     
>>> 577 |    1,209,600 |       1 |   13 |         0 | LTO3      | 2007-05-11
>>> 13:59:48 |
>>> |      66 | 000121     | Append    |       1 |                 1
>>> |        0 |    1,209,600 |       1 |   14 |         0 | LTO3      |
>>> 0000-00-00 00:00:00 |
>>> |      91 | 000103     | Purged    |       1 |   227,552,907,045 |     
>>> 250 |    1,209,600 |       1 |   10 |         0 | LTO3      | 2007-05-04
>>> 13:58:14 |
>>> |      92 | 000104     | Purged    |       1 |                 1
>>> |        0 |    1,209,600 |       1 |   11 |         0 | LTO3      |
>>> 0000-00-00 00:00:00 |
>>> |      93 | 000105     | Append    |       1 |                 1
>>> |        0 |    1,209,600 |       1 |   12 |         0 | LTO3      |
>>> 0000-00-00 00:00:00 |
>>> |      94 | 000106     | Append    |       1 |                 1
>>> |        0 |    1,209,600 |       1 |   13 |         0 | LTO3      |
>>> 0000-00-00 00:00:00 |
>>> |      95 | 000107     | Append    |       1 |                 1
>>> |        0 |    1,209,600 |       1 |   14 |         0 | LTO3      |
>>> 0000-00-00 00:00:00 |
>>> |      96 | 000101     | Append    |       1 |                 1
>>> |        0 |    1,209,600 |       1 |    8 |         0 | LTO3      |
>>> 0000-00-00 00:00:00 |
>>> |      97 | 000102     | Append    |       1 |                 1
>>> |        0 |    1,209,600 |       1 |    9 |         0 | LTO3      |
>>> 0000-00-00 00:00:00 |
>>> |      98 | 000129     | Used      |       1 |   407,865,033,101 |     
>>> 427 |    1,209,600 |       1 |    8 |         0 | LTO3      | 2007-05-16
>>> 13:26:57 |
>>> |      99 | 000130     | Used      |       1 |   210,849,249,755 |     
>>> 233 |    1,209,600 |       1 |    9 |         0 | LTO3      | 2007-05-17
>>> 13:22:21 |
>>> |     100 | 000131     | Used      |       1 |   202,314,381,696 |     
>>> 224 |    1,209,600 |       1 |   10 |         0 | LTO3      | 2007-05-18
>>> 13:59:23 |
>>> |     101 | 000132     | Append    |       1 |                 1
>>> |        0 |    1,209,600 |       1 |   11 |         0 | LTO3      |
>>> 0000-00-00 00:00:00 |
>>> |     102 | 000133     | Append    |       1 |                 1
>>> |        0 |    1,209,600 |       1 |   12 |         0 | LTO3      |
>>> 0000-00-00 00:00:00 |
>>> |     103 | 000134     | Append    |       1 |                 1
>>> |        0 |    1,209,600 |       1 |   13 |         0 | LTO3      |
>>> 0000-00-00 00:00:00 |
>>> |     104 | 000135     | Append    |       1 |                 1
>>> |        0 |    1,209,600 |       1 |   14 |         0 | LTO3      |
>>> 0000-00-00 00:00:00 |
>>> |     105 | 000144     | Purged    |       1 |           193,536
>>> |        1 |    1,209,600 |       1 |    2 |         1 | LTO3      |
>>> 2007-05-21 12:00:25 |
>>> |     106 | 000145     | Used      |       1 |   216,361,248,768 |     
>>> 253 |    1,209,600 |       1 |    3 |         1 | LTO3      | 2007-05-21
>>> 23:30:23 |
>>> |     107 | 000147     | Used      |       1 |   219,473,114,112 |     
>>> 257 |    1,209,600 |       1 |    4 |         1 | LTO3      | 2007-05-23
>>> 00:40:37 |
>>> |     108 | 000146     | Append    |       1 |                 1
>>> |        0 |    1,209,600 |       1 |    5 |         1 | LTO3      |
>>> 0000-00-00 00:00:00 |
>>> |     109 | 000148     | Append    |       1 |                 1
>>> |        0 |    1,209,600 |       1 |    6 |         1 | LTO3      |
>>> 0000-00-00 00:00:00 |
>>> |     110 | 000149     | Append    |       1 |                 1
>>> |        0 |    1,209,600 |       1 |    7 |         1 | LTO3      |
>>> 0000-00-00 00:00:00 |
>>> +---------+------------+-----------+---------+-------------------+----------+--------------+---------+------+-----------+-----------+---------------------+
>>> Which volumes are in the autochanger, which ones can be used:
>>> See above.
>> A little difficult to read with the line breaks :-)
>> The query to "show what Bacula thinks is in changer" or whatever it's 
>> called in the distribution might be more readable.
>>> What's the state of the SD:
>>> Device status:
>>> Autochanger "Dell-PV132T" with devices:
>>>    "ULTRIUM-TD3-1" (/dev/nst0)
>>>    "ULTRIUM-TD3-2" (/dev/nst1)
>>> Device "ULTRIUM-TD3-1" (/dev/nst0) is mounted with Volume="000147" 
>>> Pool="Daily"
>>>     Slot 4 is loaded in drive 0.
>>>     Total Bytes=219,473,114,112 Blocks=3,402,050 Bytes/block=64,512
>>>     Positioned at File=257 Block=0
>>> Device "ULTRIUM-TD3-2" (/dev/nst1) is not open.
>>>     Drive 1 status unknown.
>>> ====
>>> In Use Volume status:
>>> 000147 on device "ULTRIUM-TD3-1" (/dev/nst0)
>>> What happens when jobs start:
>>> Nothing; bacula ask me to mount the volume it scheduled the jobs on
>>> Could you tell me more about which informations could I give you while
>>> running in debug mode ?
>> The SD configuration and DIR storage devices would have helped here; I 
>> don't know if you already posted it, but if you did, I overlooked the 
>> relevant parts :-)
>>> Thanks a lot for your help.
>> I hope it did help you, but I'm quite sure you've got the problem now. 
>> Now to fix it :-)
>> Actually, I think what you need is not easily possible with Bacula. See 
>> my previous post...
>> Arno
>>> Arno Lehmann a écrit :
>>>> Hi,
>>>> On 5/22/2007 8:59 AM, Adam Cécile wrote: sddddddqqsr 
>>>>> Hello,
>>>>> I just upgraded to 2.0.3 and I still have the problem. When no candidate
>>>>> volume is mounted bacula do weird things.
>>>>> Jobs are sheduled on a volume which is not in the library. If I mount a
>>>>> good volume into the drive, jobs gets scheduled on it.
>>>>> Any pointers ?
>>>> More details... your problem description is becoming less and less 
>>>> useful for me.
>>>> Which volumes are in the autochanger, which ones can be used, what's the 
>>>> state of the SD, what happens when jobs start, etc. Also, consider 
>>>> running the DIR and the SD with debug output, so you can track what the 
>>>> daemons do internally, i.e. how they decide which volumes to use.
>>>> Arno
>>>>> Arno Lehmann a écrit :
>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>> On 5/21/2007 10:33 AM, Adam Cécile wrote:
>>>>>>> Andreas Helmcke a écrit :
>>>>>>>> On 21.05.2007 08:55, Adam Cécile wrote:
>>>>>>>>> Arno Lehmann a écrit :
>>>>>>>>>> Hello,
>>>>>>>>>> On 5/18/2007 9:02 AM, Adam Cécile wrote:
>>>>>>>>>>> Hi,
>>>>>>>>>>> Today my director was blocked.
>>>>>>>>>>> It was asking for a volume which had inchangler flag set to no while
>>>>>>>>>>> there was 4 purged volume in the right pool.
>>>>>>>>>>> I had to load the volume into the drive manually (with mtx) and then
>>>>>>>>>>> mount it, otherwise bacula keeps asking for the missing volume.
>>>>>>>>>> Usually, Bacula shoould use whatever tape is available. Obviously, 
>>>>>>>>>> the 
>>>>>>>>>> catalog has to represent the actual autochanger inventory.
>>>>>>>>>>> How could this happend ? Do I missed something in my configuration ?
>>>>>>>>>> I don't think this is a configuration issue... most of the time, I 
>>>>>>>>>> see 
>>>>>>>>>> these problems when tapes were changed and no 'update slots' command 
>>>>>>>>>> was 
>>>>>>>>>> executed.
>>>>>>>>> Update slots has been run, and list media only reports the good 
>>>>>>>>> volumes
>>>>>>>>> as "inchanger".
>>>>>> This is a multi-drive autochanger.
>>>>>>>>>> There is a query in Bacula to show the volumes that Bacula thinks 
>>>>>>>>>> are in 
>>>>>>>>>> the changer. Try this, and if it doesn't reflect the current 
>>>>>>>>>> inventory, 
>>>>>>>>>> do an 'update slots'. That should work.
>>>>>>>>> Do you mean list media could be right while the sql catalog may be 
>>>>>>>>> wrong ?
>>>>>>>>>> If it doesn't, this should be a bug. You'll need to make sure you've 
>>>>>>>>>> got 
>>>>>>>>>> a recent version of Bacula running, the catalog is up to date, 
>>>>>>>>>> capture 
>>>>>>>>>> debug output for the DIR, and file a bug report. But I don't think 
>>>>>>>>>> this 
>>>>>>>>>> will be necessary :-)
>>>>>>>>> It really looks like being a bug... See my previous mail for more
>>>>>>>>> informations.
>>>>>>>>> Please notice that if I load the right tape with mtx and then mount it
>>>>>>>>> in bacula, the job gets written on this volumes.
>>>>>>>> I am not sure but maybe your problems are related to the problems I 
>>>>>>>> have
>>>>>>>> while using a multidrive autochanger (see me recent mails to this 
>>>>>>>> list).
>>>>>>>> My impression is, that volume selection part of bacula sometimes gets
>>>>>>>> confused and is choosing the wrong volume (or at least one which I
>>>>>>>> consider wrong ;-) ).
>>>>>> ...
>>>>>>> This looks like a serious issue. Which version are you running ? I'm on
>>>>>>> 1.38.
>>>>>> You really should update to 2.0, or, if you dare running a beta version, 
>>>>>> even 2.1.10.
>>>>>> In the newer versions, the device and volume selection and reservation 
>>>>>> was significantly improved.

Adam CECILE                    Linbox / Free&ALter Soft
152 rue de Grigy               tél: +33 3 87 50 87 95
Technopôle Metz 2000           fax: +33 3 87 75 19 26           
57070 METZ - France            http://www.linbox.com

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