I don't have as complex of a setup at yours, but you might have some luck 
checking out the Prefer Mounted Volumes setting for the director.



On Friday 18 May 2007 6:27:21 pm Andreas Helmcke wrote:
> running bacula 2.0.3 with mysql 4.1.13 on SuSE 10.0;
> ADIC scalar-100 with 4 LTO-1 drives
> Hello,
> I am still having a problem with concurrent jobs. Bacula is unnecessarily
> changing tapes and tapedrives.
> Basically i want to backup three different server every night and i want to
> use one drive for each server to speed up the process.
> So i use the following configuration:
> - Max concurrent jobs set to more than 3
> - Different pools for each server
> - One job for each server
> - Distributed start times (Job1 at 22:05, Job2 at 22:10, Job3 at 22:15) to
> ensure that the drives are always requested in the same order.
> But bacula does strange things:
> Day1:
>   Job 1 using Tape 1 in Drive 1
>   Job 2 using Tape 2 in Drive 2
>   Job 3 usnig Tape 3 in Drive 3
> Day2:
>   Job 1 using Tape 1 in Drive 1
>   Job 2 using Tape 4 in Drive 3
>   Job 3 using Tape 3 in Drive 2
> Day3:
>   Job 1 using Tape 1 in Drive 1
>   Job 2 using Tape 2 in Drive 2
>   Job 3 using Tape 3 in Drive 3
> Day 4: like Day 2
> Day 5: like Day 3
> On Day 2, Job 2 does not use the already mounted tape 2 in drive 2 but
> instead gets an appendable tape from the pool and puts it in the next
> "free" drive (drive 1 is used by job 1, drive 2 is blocked by tape 2 which
> job 2 doesn't want to use) previously unmounting tape 3. So job 3 has to
> reinsert tape 3 into drive 2, because the drives 1 and 3 are in use.
> The main question is, why doesn't bacula use tape 2 for job 2? It is not
> full or otherwise unusable because it will be used the very next day.
> The job and pool configurations are the same for all servers and job 1 is
> working like expected (always using the same drive and tape).
> Anyone any idea what's going wrong?
> Andreas
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