Hello guys,

My name is Marcos, I’m from Brazil. I live in São Pualo.
I’m a novice user and my question can be easy for expert users, but I’d 
like to get help.
I’ve been passing through many problems to understand about bacula’s 
schedules, therefore I resort the bacula mailing list.
My environment is:

The server for bacula-sd and bacula-dir:

- Pentium III 750 Mhz
- Hard disk 20 GB
- Memory 512 DIMM
- Motherbord INTEL
- Operation System is FreeBSD 6.2 STABLE
- 20 Cartridges DDS3

Two servers with bacula-fd installed.
One it is a mail box server and another one it is a webserver. Both must 
keep backups about two months.
I’ve been thinking that the backups must be made in the following way:


The full backup to run on 1st Saturday of the month;
The differential backup to run on 3rd Saturday of the month;
The incremental backup to run everyday from Monday to Friday;

My doubt begins here.

How many cartridges do I need for each server?
How do I make the configuration of schedule into the bacula-dir file?
The point is I don’t understand how to do.
I already read his guide but I couldn’t understand.
Could somebody show me how to make it?

I'm very grateful.

Marcos Francisco Alcântara Silva
UNIX System administrator

FUG-BR User #248
Linux user  #425822

Existem indivíduos que estão consideravelmente adiantados nessa trajetória para 
o Criador.... 
É extremamente importante saber que ninguém ensina nada, mas que existem 
pessoas que aprendem

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