
On 5/17/2007 5:50 AM, Support wrote:
> Thanks Arno
> Using the MySQL client worked like a charm.

Good to hear.

> Could you indicate where I could find the documentation of the bacula
> database structure?

Sure... Some of it is in the developers manual, and the rest in the code ;-)

Personally, I think thet if you know a little about how a relational 
database works, a look at the table definitions helps a lot for simple 
stuff, and if you plan more invasive catalog modifications you should 
discuss the ways to achieve your goals on the developer mailing list.


> Thanks again
> Stephen Carr
> Arno Lehmann wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On 5/16/2007 10:37 AM, Stephen Carr wrote:
>>> Dear All
>>> My incremental backups are getting to large for the disc to hold them
>>> prior to them being recycled. There is the odd incremental that is very
>>> large.
>>> I have another disc that can be used to hold some of the files. I have
>>> volume names of IncNNNN for XP workstations and IncVmwareNNNN for VMWare
>>> workstations.
>>> My idea was to move the IncVmware volumes to the other disc and copied
>>> them to the disc and added and a device to bacula-sd.conf modified
>>> bacula-dir.conf etc (see below)
>>> On testing a new volume was created and not the expected recycling of an
>>> existing volume.
>>> The problem is the MediaType is different was File (osiginal MediaType
>>> is now FileVM
>> Good to see that you though about assigning a new Media Type, though...
>>> Using phpMyAdmin I could not see a easy method to change the MediaType
>>> for these volumes.
>>> Any ideas or method to change the MediaType for some volumes?
>> I don't know phpMyAdmin, but using the MySQL client, an SQL command like
>> 'update Media set MediaType="FileVM" where VolumeName in
>> ("Name-0001","Name-0002",...);' should work.
>> Instead of referring to VolumeName, you could also use the MediaId, and
>> instead of using 'in (...)' you can also reference single volumes with
>> 'where VolumeName="Name-0001"' or use the like operator with wildcards.
>> Arno
>>> Thanks in advance
>>> Stephen Carr
>>> Device {
>>>    Name = FileVM
>>>    Media Type = FileVM
>>>    Device Type = File
>>>    Archive Device = /bacula/storage
>>>    LabelMedia = yes                    # lets Bacula label unlabeled
>>> media
>>>    Random Access = yes
>>>    AutomaticMount = yes               # when device opened, read it
>>>    RemovableMedia = no
>>>    SpoolDirectory = /spool
>>>    Maximum Spool Size = 40gb
>>> }
>>> and a new Storage entry in bacula-dir.conf
>>> # Definition of File storage device
>>> Storage {
>>>    Name = FileVM
>>>    Address = elizabeth.civeng.adelaide.edu.au
>>>    Maximum Concurrent Jobs = 10
>>>    SDPort = 9103
>>>    Password = "civeng"          # password for Storage daemon
>>>    Device = FileVM                    # must be same as Device in
>>> Storage daemon
>>>    Media Type = FileVM                # must be same as MediaType in
>>> Storage daemon
>>> }
>> --
>> IT-Service Lehmann                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>> Arno Lehmann                  http://www.its-lehmann.de
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IT-Service Lehmann                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Arno Lehmann                  http://www.its-lehmann.de

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