
On 5/7/2007 9:31 PM, Peter Eisch wrote:
> On 5/7/07 2:11 PM, "Arno Lehmann" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> On 5/7/2007 4:55 PM, Peter Eisch wrote:
>>> (All fd/sd/dir is 1.39 or later)
>>> I'm trying to restore to the Windows system's Z: (a NAS mount) drive.  The
>>> fd writer only seems to be able to write to the C: drive.
>>> Is there a way to trick the fd or must this be restored to a different OS?
>> Shouldn't be... have you set the Where= in the restore setup?
> Job {
>   Name = "Win2kRestoreFiles"
>   Type = Restore
>   Client = w2ksvr-fd
>   FileSet="Windows 2000"
>   Storage = localFiles
>   Pool = Default
>   Messages = Standard
>   Where = "Z:"
> }
> If, in the Where, I just set the value to "/here" it will restore just fine.
> There's exactly zero interesting console output:
> ....2007-05-07_09.24.59 Error: Cannot create directory Z:: ERR=The system
> cannot find the path specified.

Well, look at this...
I set up a restore from a windows machine:

Parameters to modify:
      1: Level
      2: Storage
      3: Job
      4: FileSet
      5: Client
      6: When
      7: Priority
      8: Bootstrap
      9: Where
     10: Replace
     11: JobId
Select parameter to modify (1-11): Unexpected question has been received.
Please enter path prefix for restore (/ for none): Unexpected question 
has been received.
Run Restore job
JobName:    ManualRestore
Bootstrap:  /var/bacula//goblin-dir.restore.1.bsr
Where:      t:/
Replace:    ifnewer
FileSet:    Alles
Client:     drache-fd
Storage:    HPDAT
When:       2007-05-07 21:39:36
Catalog:    BaculaCat
Priority:   20
OK to run? (yes/mod/no): Unexpected question has been received.
Job queued. JobId=9839

The job runs, no messages, and afterwards:

C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Arno>dir t: /s
  Datenträger in Laufwerk T: ist STICK 2
  Volumeseriennummer: C2F8-E4F2

  Verzeichnis von T:\

12.02.2004  18:44           372.736 putty.exe
21.03.2007  01:42               833 uninteresting.ppk
07.05.2007  21:43    <DIR>          c
                2 Datei(en)        373.569 Bytes

  Verzeichnis von T:\c

07.05.2007  21:43    <DIR>          .
07.05.2007  21:43    <DIR>          ..
07.05.2007  08:21        81.177.802 registry.backup
                1 Datei(en)     81.177.802 Bytes

      Anzahl der angezeigten Dateien:
                3 Datei(en)     81.551.371 Bytes
                3 Verzeichnis(se),    932.610.048 Bytes frei

C:\Dokumente und Einstellungen\Arno>

So I still say it works :-)

Have you tried a path with a trailing slash, z:/ in your case?

Also, not that, as far as I know, there will always be a subdirectory 
with the original drive name. That can be fixed by moving the files 
afterwards, and will hopefully not happen once the more sophisticated 
restore path mangling exists, which is currently being worked on.


IT-Service Lehmann                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Arno Lehmann                  http://www.its-lehmann.de

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