>>>>> On Wed, 2 May 2007 21:55:46 -0600 (CST), Lonny Selinger said:
> Just curious (I'm probably doing this wrong) ... Can you use the
> RunBeforeJob option to specify a script to run before the backup takes
> place? The reason I'm wondering is, I've created a script that shuts down
> some services, copies all the files to a temp area then starts the services
> back up again. I'd like to run this before the backup (because I'm
> specifying a a location that doesn't exist until after the copy happens),
> then start the actual backup, then use the RunAfterJob option to run another
> script I have to delete the copy.
> What I'm getting so far is it shows that it's running but nothing happens.
> 02-May 21:53 btrtg-dir: BeforeJob: run command 
> "/usr/local/bin/zimbra_pre_back.sh"
> 02-May 21:53 btrtg-dir: Start Backup JobId 8, Job=Zimbra.2007-05-02_21.53.55
> 02-May 21:53 btrtg-sd: Job write elapsed time = 00:00:01, Transfer rate = 78  
> bytes/second
> 02-May 21:54 btrtg-dir: Bacula 2.0.3 (06Mar07): 02-May-2007 21:54:01 
> And just the summary of nothing being backed up. Am I doing this seriously
> wrong or is there a specific way I need to hack my code?

Please post the complete output and also the fileset definition.


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