
Thanks for the corrections to the manual.  Undoubtedly, they were changes made 
during the porting of the Win32 servers (DIR and SD), but apparently were not 

I'll make sure they get into the latest version of the manual.  I'll also take 
a look at your Wiki idea.




Message: 1
Date: Wed, 02 May 2007 16:01:56 -0700
From: Darien Hager <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Subject: Re: [Bacula-users] SetDebug / Trace
To: bacula-users <bacula-users@lists.sourceforge.net>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; format=flowed

Thanks, that worked, found my files. (Oddly enough, lsof on my system 
shows items for "bacula-dir" as for process "bacula-di". Wierd. No 
wonder grepping gave nothing.)

Assuming my set up is representative (Bacula 2.0.1 and 2.0.3), it 
appears that the documentation needs some revision.

First, a correction:
While the files end in .trace, they are not named "bacula.trace" (as the 
manual says). Instead "bacula" is replaced by the Name= directive 
defined in bacula-{sd|fd|dir}'s config file. E.g. one.example.com.trace 
(fd), central-dir.trace (dir), isp1-storage.trace (sd), etc. Someone 
else may want to check the Windows FD follows this pattern.

Secondly, a disambiguation:
The files are placed in /var/bacula/, or the conf file's 
"WorkingDirectory" directive, rather than the "Current Working 
Directory" in the unix sense as specified by /proc/ and similar 
utilities. I was assuming it was the latter, since the manual just says 
"current directory" when describing the "setdebug" command.

Places the manual refers to setdebug and trace files:

    under heading "Alphabetic List of Console Commands", command "SetDebug"

    under "Dealing with Win32 Problems"

    under heading "I get a Connection refused when connecting to my 
    and heading "My Windows Client Immediately Dies When I Start It"

Were it a wiki, I'd just rewrite it myself, but...

--Darien Hager

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