
On 5/2/2007 6:56 PM, Viashino wrote:
> Hi,
> I cannot run incremental/differential backups. Everytime I try to run
> them, I get that the backup was done correctly but no file is saved.

Looks like a fileset issue, then.

> if I try from the console to do an "estimate job=myjob level=incremental"
> I get:
> 02-May 18:07 Link-dir: ERROR in getmsg.c:161 Malformed message: DIR and FD
> clocks differ by -12 seconds, FD automatically adjusting.

That shouldn't be critical, but as it's flagged ERROR it probably is.

You run 2.0.3 on all machines?

> This message doesn't appears if I do an estimate level=Full

Obviously, because for a full backup, the daemons don't have to discuss 
the current time :-)

> Also this message does appears ONLY on windows fd.

Identical FD versions?

> I'm using as fileset files that are on the fd using the \\< keyword in the
> director conf.

How does the resulting fileset look?

> The changes I made (at least what I can remember) before this error arise
> are:
> - maximum concurrent job (SD,fileset,job). I wanted to have more jobs
> running on the same volume. But I already set it as it was before, without
> improvement.
> - Autolabeling in the pool
> - Maximum concurrent job only on the director, to be able to connect with
> more consoles

These settings shouldn't affect the fileset (unless your fileset 
generating script uses some way of locking and is called multiple times) 
and they shouldn't affect DIR-FD communication.

Have you tried giving the 'listing' option to the estimate command?


> I'm running bacula 2.0.3 on both client and server
> Thank you

IT-Service Lehmann                    [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Arno Lehmann                  http://www.its-lehmann.de

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