On Tuesday 01 May 2007 06:02, Eric Bambach wrote:
> Kern Sibbald wrote:
> > Hello,
> >
> > I have built a new version of the Win32 binaries, which is labeled 2.0.4 
> > is version 2.0.3 plus a few fixes, including what I hope will fix the 
> > ftruncate problem.  Since I have not tested this code, I am not sure what 
> > will do, so please test it with caution.   In addition to fixing the 
> > ftruncate problem the LICENSE file is now installed in the correct 
> > rather than C:\
> >
> > If anyone tests this code, I would appreciate feedback on it.  
> >
> > You can find it at:
> >
> >  http://www.sibbald.com/download/winbacula-2.0.4.exe
> > and
> >  http://www.sibbald.com/download/winbacula-2.0.4.exe.sig
> >
> > Please note, you must explicitly ask for those files as my web site does 
> > permit listing the contents of that directory.
> >
> > Best regards,
> >
> > Kern
> >
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> >   
> Kern,
>     Since I have a considerable backup history going now (with volumes 
> all capped at 2GB ;)  I created a new pool, file storage device in a new 
> directory, and a new job which uses an existing client to fill up some 
> tapes.  First I ran a full backup and cancelled it so there would be 
> some full volumes. Next I used purge volume on all the volumes then ran 
> the backup again. It appended to a tape before erroring out. It's 
> interesting that the truncate error went from invalid argument to 
> permission denied. I checked the permissions and they were set to 
> everyone full control on the directory and all the volumes. Note that 
> this happened immediately the first time it tried to truncate the file. 
> i.e. it didn't work once :(
Disappointing but not too surprising.  The good news is that since the error 
message is different from before, it shows that it is really my code that is 
being executed, which is definitely a step forward.  Also, once it fails in 
this way, it is to be expected that it will fail on all truncates.

Apparently, the old Bacula code was never "cleaned" up after the conversion to 
mingw, which means I got confused on how to deal with the file handle (there 
are two different conventions).  This means the current failure is most 
likely that I am passing a bad file handle to the Win32 API.

I have "corrected" the bad file handle problem (hopefully) and posted the new 
binaries to my web site in the same location (see above from my previous 
email).  The name of the binary is the same, but the Bacula build date is 02 

Please try this version.  If nothing else, in the case of a failure, it should 
give us a true Win32 error message rather than just "Permission denied".

Thanks for the quick testing.  By the way, if it fails this time, I will need 
to do significantly more research to fix the problem, but I can as a 
temporary measure implement two "kludges", which I have not yet done: 1. make 
it use the old code for the less than 2GB case.  2. Ignore any errors.

>     P.S. as a heads up school is out in a week so you will be losing a 
> tester very soon! Sorry!

Thanks for the heads up. Good luck in your studies. I hope we can resolve this 
before then ...



PS: If anyone has tested this and finds it is failing on all files, the 
workaround, if required, is simply to re-install the released version 2.0.3.

> 30-Apr 21:44 moe-dir: Start Backup JobId 176, 
> 30-Apr 21:44 moe-sd: Volume "debug-0005" previously written, moving to end 
of data.
> 30-Apr 22:08 moe-sd: User defined maximum volume capacity 3,000,000,000 
exceeded on device "FileStorage2" (E:\Bacula-Storage-Debug).
> 30-Apr 22:08 moe-sd: End of medium on Volume "debug-0005" 
Bytes=2,999,959,619 Blocks=46,503 at 30-Apr-2007 22:08.
> 30-Apr 22:08 moe-dir: Recycled volume "debug-0001"
> 30-Apr 22:08 moe-sd: Santino-Debug.2007-04-30_21.44.50 Fatal 
error: ../../stored/label.c:448 Truncate error on device "FileStorage2" (E:
\Bacula-Storage-Debug): ERR=../../stored/dev.c:1943 Unable to truncate 
device "FileStorage2" (E:\Bacula-Storage-Debug). ERR=Permission denied
> 30-Apr 22:08 moe-sd: Marking Volume "debug-0001" in Error in Catalog.
> 30-Apr 22:08 moe-sd: Santino-Debug.2007-04-30_21.44.50 Fatal error: Job 176 
> 30-Apr 22:08 moe-sd: Job write elapsed time = 00:23:13, Transfer rate = 
1.886 M bytes/second
> 30-Apr 22:06 santino.star.niu.edu-fd: Santino-Debug.2007-04-30_21.44.50 
Fatal error: backup.c:477 Network send error 32784 to SD. ERR=Connection 
reset by peer
> 30-Apr 22:08 moe-dir: Santino-Debug.2007-04-30_21.44.50 Error: Bacula 2.0.4 
(30Apr07): 30-Apr-2007 22:08:09
>   JobId:                  176
>   Job:                    Santino-Debug.2007-04-30_21.44.50
>   Backup Level:           Full
>   Client:                 "santino-fd" i386-pc-linux-gnu,debian,3.1
>   FileSet:                "Full Linux Root" 2007-04-02 01:00:53
>   Pool:                   "DebugPool" (From Job resource)
>   Storage:                "Debug-File" (From Job resource)
>   Scheduled time:         30-Apr-2007 21:44:42
>   Start time:             30-Apr-2007 21:44:56
>   End time:               30-Apr-2007 22:08:09
>   Elapsed time:           23 mins 13 secs
>   Priority:               10
>   FD Files Written:       174,692
>   SD Files Written:       174,692
>   FD Bytes Written:       2,606,293,192 (2.606 GB)
>   SD Bytes Written:       2,627,522,312 (2.627 GB)
>   Rate:                   1871.0 KB/s
>   Software Compression:   46.4 %
>   VSS:                    no
>   Encryption:             no
>   Volume name(s):         debug-0005|debug-0001
>   Volume Session Id:      2
>   Volume Session Time:    1177983166
>   Last Volume Bytes:      64,753 (64.75 KB)
>   Non-fatal FD errors:    0
>   SD Errors:              0
>   FD termination status:  Error
>   SD termination status:  Error
>   Termination:            *** Backup Error ***

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