Hi Kern!

On Sun, Apr 15, 2007 at 11:24:58AM +0200, Kern Sibbald wrote:
> This email is a *BIG* urgent warning that unless the Bacula Solaris and 
> FreeBSD users pull together and organize regression testing, you may find 
> that version 2.2.x will not work on your platform, and it may be difficult to 
> correct problems after production release in a timely fashion since once 
> released, it is not possible to make any significant changes to mutex usage 
> without destabilizing the code.


     I just want to say that I am *very sorry* that I don't have the time
to help you, at least right now, with bacula.  My job situation has me
busy longer than I can say is good, many days.  My mother lives with me,
and she does *need* me more now, than she used to.

     I am looking to *lessen* my load.

     I know that this isn't to me, personally, but I just wanted to say
that I LIKE bacula.  I decided to use it, when I went to Fedora Core 4 on
my Linux system, in September of 2005, and I'm just now getting to try to
have my Sun Solaris 8 system network backup to USB hard disks that are on
my Linux system.  (I have it built, now!  :-)  I got it to fully compile
about an hour ago!  I'm having trouble getting mysql running, but bacula
is built!  I hope to see it begin to work soon!)

     The length of time since you wrote this perhaps is an indication to
you of how BEHIND I get on things, with there sometimes being literally
weeks before I can get back to what I'm trying to accomplish, personally!

     I understand.  I want to say that you've done a great job, and I look
forward to whatever you can do in the future!  THANK YOU.


Barry L. Bond                      | http://home.cfl.rr.com/os9barry/
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                                   | updated February 17, 2005)
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