* Arno Lehmann schrieb am 23.04.07 um 14:34 Uhr:
> Hi,

Hi Arno,

> On 4/23/2007 1:34 PM, Marc Schiffbauer wrote:
> > * Arno Lehmann schrieb am 23.04.07 um 00:59 Uhr:
> [...]
> > 
> >> Try to add 'echo "umount sd=..."|bconsole -c ...' to your script before 
> >> you execute the umount command.
> > 
> > I did not try it so far, but my guess it that it will not work
> > because if the job has finished I am able to unmount the disk
> > manually. I think this is due to "AlwaysOpen = no" being set.
> Yes, but the umount from bconsole should or might release the device... 
> if umount doesn't wor, the release command might be worth a try, too.

I tried to unmount/release it with a RunScript after the job through
the director. It seems "On the client = yes" always runs before 
"On the client = no" and I have not configured a console on the
SD-Server (DIR is on a different machine)

But I guess this will be at all of no success, because when I tried
the following:

-> run backup: OK.

-> in bconsole: unmount sd:
3901 Device "FtpFileStorage" (/mnt/backup) is already unmounted.

-> in bconsole: release sd:
3921 Device "FtpFileStorage" (/mnt/backup) already released.

... "disk" is still mountet on the SD's machine

-> as root: "umount /mnt/backup" -> OK.

-> run backup again: ERROR!
23-Apr 22:24 vesta-sd: vesta-ImportantData.2007-04-23_22.24.49
Error: Could not open device "FtpFileStorage" (/mnt/backup):
ERR=dev.c:483 Could not open: /mnt/backup/BaculaVolume-0003, ERR=No
such file or directory

23-Apr 22:24 vesta-sd: vesta-ImportantData.2007-04-23_22.24.49 Fatal
error: Could not ready device "FtpFileStorage" (/mnt/backup) for
23-Apr 22:24 vesta-fd: vesta-ImportantData.2007-04-23_22.24.49 Fatal
error: job.c:1758 Bad response to Append Data command. Wanted 3000
OK data
, got 3903 Error append data

23-Apr 22:24 lisa-dir: vesta-ImportantData.2007-04-23_22.24.49
Error: Bacula 2.0.3 (06Mar07): 23-Apr-2007 22:24:58

So on a second run, although the SD has been "released" and
"unounted" the SD does not try to mount the disk again until it is

> > 
> > Do you think this would be worth a bug report?
> Yes. Kern says so :-)
> If you report this as a bug at bugs.bacula.org, be sure to have the 
> necessary information added - especialy the configuration and the debug 
> output will be useful.
> I'm sure you would have added that, but everyone forgets things now and 
> then :-)

ok, will do.


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