Hash: SHA1

Arno Lehmann wrote:
> Hi,
> On 4/19/2007 8:23 PM, Ryan Novosielski wrote:
>> Hash: SHA1
>> Yes, I'm well aware that this is the same terminology used in the Wiki. :)
>> I have checked my indexes (I'm running MySQL 4.x) and it appears as if
>> I've got everything that is recommended:
>> - ---
>>  On some larger databases, the dbcheck program can take an inordinate
>> amount of time to run. If you’re running into this problem, you can try
>> adding a few additional indexes. Make sure that there is an index on
>> these columns:
>>     * File.PathId
>>     * File.FilenameId
>>     * Job.FileSetId
>>     * Job.ClientId
>> - ---
>> show index from File;
>> | File  |          1 | JobId    |            1 | JobId       | A
>>  |         137 |     NULL | NULL   |      | BTREE      |         |
>> | File  |          1 | JobId    |            2 | PathId      | A
>>  |      113436 |     NULL | NULL   |      | BTREE      |         |
>> | File  |          1 | JobId    |            3 | FilenameId  | A
>>  |     1020924 |     NULL | NULL   |      | BTREE      |
>> show index from Job;
>> | Job   |          1 | Name     |            1 | Name        | A
>>  |          11 |      128 | NULL   |      | BTREE      |         |
>> The only one I don't have is apparently Job.ClientId, but does it really
>> make any sense that I'd get this far:
>> Hello, this is the database check/correct program.
>> Modify database is off. Verbose is on.
>> Please select the fuction you want to perform.
>>      1) Toggle modify database flag
>>      2) Toggle verbose flag
>>      3) Check for bad Filename records
>>      4) Check for bad Path records
>>      5) Check for duplicate Filename records
>>      6) Check for duplicate Path records
>>      7) Check for orphaned Jobmedia records
>>      8) Check for orphaned File records
>>      9) Check for orphaned Path records
>>     10) Check for orphaned Filename records
>>     11) Check for orphaned FileSet records
>>     12) Check for orphaned Client records
>>     13) Check for orphaned Job records
>>     14) Check for all Admin records
>>     15) Check for all Restore records
>>     16) All (3-15)
>>     17) Quit
>> Select function number: 16
>> Checking for Filenames with a trailing slash
>> Found 0 bad Filename records.
>> Checking for Paths without a trailing slash
>> Found 0 bad Path records.
>> Checking for duplicate Filename entries.
>> Found 0 duplicate Filename records.
>> Checking for duplicate Path entries.
>> Found 0 duplicate Path records.
>> Checking for orphaned JobMedia entries.
>> Found 0 orphaned JobMedia records.
>> Checking for orphaned File entries. This may take some time!
>> Found 103804 orphaned File records.
>> Checking for orphaned Path entries. This may take some time!
>> ...before this begins to take an inordinate amount of time? My total DB
>> size is only 110MB or so -- doesn't seem like this should be a big deal
>> to my machine.
>> That run right there, incidentally, included -d999 and -v -- neither
>> seemed to make any difference right there, only in the beginning before
>> the prompt appeared.
>> Appreciate any pointers you could give. I suppose I could add that last
>> index, but it just doesn't sound like one that matters given the problem
>> I'm having.
> There was recently a report that dbcheck loops infinitely when checking. 
> To me, it sounded like the change to have checks done in batches, not 
> for the whole database at once, doesn't quite work... if you set dbcheck 
> to fix problems it encounters, does it finish? (Make a dump before...)

I ran a catalog backup and just kicked this thing off, so we'll find
out. Now that you mention it, I read that one too. I didn't ever use it
at the time so I didn't put two and two together. Interestingly enough,
though, is that there's a -b switch that controls batch mode. I don't
use it -- I wonder if it works with it on? I'm not willing to try it,
since I don't really know what it does. :-P

I guess this might be time for a bug report -- between the two postings
and the relatively idiot-proof nature of dbcheck, doesn't seem like
- --
 ---- _  _ _  _ ___  _  _  _
 |Y#| |  | |\/| |  \ |\ |  | |Ryan Novosielski - Systems Programmer III
 |$&| |__| |  | |__/ | \| _| |[EMAIL PROTECTED] - 973/972.0922 (2-0922)
 \__/ Univ. of Med. and Dent.|IST/AST - NJMS Medical Science Bldg - C630
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